Well now... not a total surprise, and not particularly "early".. but somehow getting snow before Thanksgiving isn't all it's cracked up to be. I mean I like the snow, and the first one is always a little bit special.. but it just doesn't "go" with the fall decorations.. pumpkins in snow look kind of sad......
It certainly wasn't a "big" snow, and was really quite heavy and wet.. and just stuck to everything, which is part of it's beauty...The doggies didn't quite know what to think.
by mid morning, the sky began to clear, making a grand show all it's own. And the temps began to rise, so this snow is probably short lived....
Even the ponies had a look of "it's back again??" Grazing is done for sure, and everyone will be locked into the winter pastures now.
The blue jays and chick-a-dees have had a grand time picking seeds out of the sunflower stems. We didn't mow them down, and I'm glad, because I like hearing and watching the little birds enjoying their meal.
Abbie had spent the night, and she was very excited to see the snow. Especially when she discovered that it is perfect snowman snow!!! She got right to work!!!!
Funny how quickly that snow ball gets heavy just pushing it about the yard....
When she got him all in shape, she looked about for the perfect "eyes" and "smile"....
and was more than pleased when she stepped back to admire her work....

The first official snowman of the season!!!!!
And we can't forget that it's someone else's very first snow!!! Mr. Danny dog.... it didn't take him but two seconds to decide this is just the thing for him!!!!! He loved the idea that it can be eaten!!!!
And dug in, and pushed around....
And run threw as fast as you can go!!!! Up, snow... it's a new favorite....
so.. I guess we can begin to say it now... Happy Winter!!! (just hope it isn't too long!!!)