Next topic... dirt! Ed saw all the fun that Rick was having in HIS dirt, that he just had to get back to work with ours ----boys and their dirt piles!!! Actually, Ed is trying to beat the freezing weather, and have all the dirt in place before it becomes in movable!!! It's a big job, and the little tractor has to take it in bits and pieces, but, it's doing it and I can see the face of the house better and better!!!

The nice thing is, this is "good" dirt, it's actually loam, so we should have a nice lawn come spring time (plenty of grass to mow!!!) Ed is having to haul in some gravel for the driveway, but with Rick's dump truck, even that job is going very well.

It was pretty exciting when he made it to the top of the dirt pile and began pushing from there... I am hoping that by the end of next week, there will be no more piles!!!!!

And I just had to get some photos of this house that is all decked out for Halloween. This is the prettiest little house, the owners always keep it as neat as a pin. And I like the decorations, because they are tastefully done and fun... not all "creeped" out!!!!
I am quite certain they made all these and it's just all in fun.......

Abbie had her two week check up today and is doing very well. Sadie is feeling great and got the "all clear" from her doctor as well. It feels like things are getting back to "normal" around here, and I even managed to get Tonka out this afternoon and play around with him for awhile... nice to do some work around the dump truck!!!! so do I dare jinx myself and say.... "we're on a roll"......next blog... baby Abbie goes to her first "steak night"......