Since I married my Ed in 1981... "camp" has been a big part of our lives. Our children learned the swim in the lake, and every dog that we have owned .. has become swimmers!! so, for me, it isn't officially summer until the docks are ba

It is always our wish too, to share this beautiful place with our family and friends. I have always felt that camp is way more fun with people around, and try to extend this invite as much as possible. And thanks to all our dear friends, there are always willing hands to help out with "chores".... ie: getting the docks in for the summer season!!! (some how chores at camp don't seem so "chore-like") Yesterday, Dave and Deb, brother Bill, Faye, Cozy, "Wayno" all arrived to help with the docks. The whole job went quite well and with temps in the high 80's ..getting into the water wasn't too much of a hassle!!!! After the docks were all settled in, and everyone enjoyed a nice little swim, we had a grand cookout... and it is now summer on the lake!!!
All our dogs love to swim, but for certain, some like it more than others...and I would have to say our number one swimming dog would be Trevor. He could hardly wait to get into that water!! and just swam and swam!!! The others swim to cool off, but Trev swims because he simply likes to swim!!! Kassy and Nate's Charlie is another "swimming fool"... but this summer finds them in North Carolina (no deployments this year for Nate).. so, Trev has the number one swimming spot!!!
In a couple of hours, it will be time to pack up and head back to York... real life calls, and I have to "get back to being an adult".... but, for a little more time, I am enjoying this "magical" spot....