It's been too long since the puppy chapter has had the opportunity to get together, but tonite we changed all that. We decided to meet at the local mall and have a night of fun and training. Some of us have new puppies and others are getting ready to say goodbye to their puppies, and we need to do these sorts of things when we can.

It was a great time for photo opts... meeting and greeting folks... and making memories....

I am really enjoying working with Norton... this dog certainly has a sense of humor.
There's a cute little carousal in mall, so you just have to know that Abbie had to take a ride (she's her grandmother's granddaughter!!) She had such fun... look at that smile....
Norton found the carousal interesting too. He sat and watched it for the longest time.
Abbie loves being with the puppies. She knows all their names... and Norton.. is called "No-ton"... (at least she doesn't call him "baby's new Ginger " anymore) and she told several of the puppy raisers that "Ginger is gone, she went to school".....
Is this called "making eyes" or what... hard to say who is cuter......

The new babies of the group... Checkers (the yellow Lab - Lynn's project) and Monty (the chocolate - Kathleens' project)......

Caleb and Rangley have made great strides.. won't be long before they take their certification test.....

Rick has some quiet time with Otis, mall walking. Otis will be looking at his turn in date before too long.........

and by the look on Norton's face... he had a pretty fun night... and I would have to agree....