Hello to March!!! and already this month has turned out to be better than every thought... I hadn't said too much (on the blog) because it has just all been too sad.. but two days after we lost Silver... our little Annabelle disappeared. When our friend had buried Silver they commented on how both Tonka and Annabelle had been there, watching all that was going on. I remember seeing her around the day after, but not after that. I called and called, and looked everywhere for her, and even more I didn't see her footprints anywhere in the snow. Since February 16.. we have had four snow storms and temps in the single numbers, plus howling winds, so I just knew that she could not survive outside in conditions like this and pretty much had given up all hope of finding her. Doing barn chores and walking by that empty stall and then by Annabelle's empty kitty house, has felt almost too sad to bear.

But this morning, Ed went down to do chores and said that he thought he saw Annabelle. He said he called to her but she wouldn't come, and said that I should go down and check. I could see kitty prints in the snow and I called out to her. She answered from deep in the woods, but she did not come to me....I really wasn't dressed to go out into the deep snow int he woods, but i went anyways... there was no way I was going to leave her there. And since she wasn't coming I didn't know if she was hurt or what.

I finally found her, and she let me pick her up. She was a rack of bones, extremely thin and quite cold. I don't know if she really had the strength to come when i had called her.. so I bundled her up and took her right to the tack room. It took her sometime to realize where she was, and I wondered if I should run her to the vet or just see how she did..... I ran back tot he house, got some food, and she gobbled it up in heart beat... so I decided just to leave her to warm up and see how she did.....

She actually looks good in these photos, but they don't tell the story... I am still very worried and hope she can pull out of this. I have no idea where she has been, probably not completely outside, or she would not be alive, but certainly she hasn't been in a caring spot either. She seems so happy to be back with us, and I have decided that she will be locked in the tack room for awhile. She needs to get her weight back and have some special care and love, but the most important thing.... she is with us once again!!!!
So after that very happy morning, we packed up and headed down to celebrate Reagan's second birthday!!!!!
What little boy doesn't love trucks, trains and other big pieces of equipment, so that was the theme for this years party...
Kassy made these goodie bags for all the guests....
and the main game... "pin the tire on the tractor!!!"......
There was a nice big crowd!!! I think everyone is just so happy to get out and about, we're all getting a little tired of this winter stuff.... but I for one, have been in the happiest of moods and this great party is just the trick......
Mom and Dad look so good, and I am forever grateful and blessed that we still have Dad with us, after the winter that he has been threw..... Each day is so precious and if I have learned nothing else these past winter days.. this is one lesson that seems to ring truer and truer each day.
It seems like everyone came... Cozy is always so much fun to have around... he's certainly one of the family!!!!
And a little boy who has two great grandmothers... plus oodles of others who love him so much.......
being two is absolutely grand!!!!!!! and this is one day that I will always remember as something extremely special...