With Halloween just a few days away, it was time to carve some pumpkins. While it is fun to do this tradition, I am more interested in getting those pumpkin seeds. I love roasted pumpkin seeds and look forward to having them each fall. So, when I am choosing pumpkins, I always look for those who might contain the most amount of seeds. These were the four that I picked for this year.

It's so fun to have Abbie at the age where things like this are beginning to make some sense to her. She has enjoyed seeing the pumpkins out on the stairs, but when we brought them in, she was quite excited knowing something was "up"

She watched every step carefully....

And was fascinated to discover "what's inside the pumpkin"

Lots of seeds in this first one.. this looks promising....

We showed her what to do and told her to save as many of the seeds as she could. I was so surprised that she really caught onto this and was very careful to pick the seeds out and put them on the cookie sheets for roasting.