Weeks ago, I asked to have today off from the post.... because we wanted to go and check out the NH Wool and Fiber Festival. All week long, they have been talking about a rainy, very wet weekend... but nothing was going to stop us for going. I pulled out the barn boots, scoped out the rain jackets.. and we are going. Sadie and Abbie want to tag along, so for me.. the day would be perfect no matter what. Just as we walked in the gates, we came along this talk about llama and alpaca.....
The skys were grey, but we new englanders... we don't stop for such little matters.. and all the "goodies" were there waiting for me!!! (too many goodies I might add!!!)
This is a new location for the festival.. and I haven't seen it here. I actually liked it better because much of it was inside. I am sure the vendors were pretty happy about that too.Demos of all kinds were going on all day, people are so friendly and love to talk and share their art with you. I've yet to master my spinning wheel... but it's still on my list.
Oh and the food.... lots of that "great fair food".... I was pretty good in that department...
Abbie had a good time, she was really interested in many things. Course she got a little antsy when Sadie and I began our "yarn decisions".. so she and Papa went and found other things to do... deciding on "which" yarn, is not a fast process!!!!
Now, here's a treasure and great idea. It's a yarn box... pop your ball of yarn inside and knit away. This looks dog proof, cat proof, and "hair" proof... and I am going to get Ed to make a few for me. I would have loved to buy one, but, a hubby with a wood working shop will do nicely.....
And of course, the animals!!! Ed and I love this breed of sheep... (they have them in Williamsburg) and I have decided if and when we move into the "sheep department" this is what we'll be looking for. We had a nice chat with these folks, and found that the Longwools make pretty good pets. Really, that's all "our sheep" would be... big pets (like everyone else on this farm)... so, I like the idea that they are easy going and easy keepers...
And the fact that they are pretty cute.. doesn't hurt either!!!!
The alpaca were (are) very popular... they still crack me up... these little guys were so friendly. They were really interested in Abbie, and I miss a couple of cute photos of them together....
Shearing demo......
And sheep dog demos.. which I was really enjoying and then noticed that sky in the back ground. Up until now, the day had been "not bad".. but "that" wasn't looking good......
Just enough time to grab a big bag of kettle corn for the ride home.......
And down it came, moments after we jumped in the car. I could have stayed longer, but my pocket book was glad we left when we did!!! It was great fun, and sort of renews my interest in "fiber" and the sort..... and this business of "Saturday's off".. well, i could certainly get used to that idea too!!!!