so I must admit, that on these past bone chilling days, I have spent more time at the sewing machine than I have at the computer!!! Something about the winds howling at the door, just puts me in the mind of quilting. I have three, "half done" quilt tops, and it would be nice to get them finished into something "useful".
It's also a very good time, to go thru and sort out all the material that I have. Over the years, friends who have decided to no longer quilt (which I could never imagine giving up on) have brought me a number of boxes filled with material. Sadly, I have just pushed them to one side, to "go thru later" but the "later" never seems to come. When Kas headed back to NC, and it looked like the "spare room" could really become a sewing room, I dragged these boxes out and began to paw thru them. I soon realized that I have a lot of wonderful pieces just waiting to be worked with, and even discovered other pieces that would have been perfect for projects that I had gone and bought material for!!!!! Anyways.... now that we know Nate is leaving for a deployment much earlier than planned, the sewing room is not to be.... these boxes need to be looked at NOW!!!!!
It's been a fun "chore" . the boxes are emptied and the material is refolded and sorted into an "easier to find" manner, and the almost done quilt tops take a new priority, plus the room will be ready for Kas, Charlie and Nora to take over in just a couple of weeks.
As I sew (still at the kitchen table) it still might be the best spot in the house. The woodstove chugs away.. Nothing like that warm wood heat.. and the cats... have completely taken over the dog's bed right by the stove!!! I love this picture of Mona totally stretched out, crowding "poor little" Dancer as much as possible!!! Course what you don't see are the cockers... who have just given up and lay around my feet and as close to the stove as they can get. I would put out another dog bed, but first off there isn't room and secondly... I think it would only mean that each cat would have their own bed, instead of having to share!!!!
"They" say that Mr. Groundhog didn't see his shadow last week (2/2) so, I guess its an early spring, and since I don't quilt in the warm weather, I have decided to take full advantage of this cold snap. Which is the perfect excuse to put more wood on the fire, and stay inside..... after I take care of the horses!!!!!