I also had a AKC CGC class that same night, certainly much smaller than my puppy group, but again.. all three passed.... shows what good works my students do with their dogs...
We finally got a day with some spring like temps... I have been anxious to get ready for my bees that will be arriving in May. My class is almost done and I sort of feel ready in the "taking care of them" department.. but we needed to get their hive ready. Ed actually built these hive boxes (aka "supers) for me a few years ago when I was first looking into bee keeping. Between the move and building the farm, I didn't get very far with it until now...but everything comes in it's proper time....
Abbie was so happy to get outside too... she loves to play outside. Sadie and Jesse got her this neat four wheeler and she's getting used to driving it....
But, after a little bit, it was back to her ol' three wheel bike. She has a two wheel bike as well, but I think of all three - this is still the favorite. She rode a number of trips up and down the driveway....
However, when she saw us working on the hive, she had to come and check that out too. I am painting them a hunter green, most folks are used to seeing white bee hives, but here in New England it is suggested that the hives be a dark color which helps warm them in the winter time. Abbie wanted to help paint them, so I tried giving her the job of dusting them off and getting them ready for me....
She took the job seriously and got into every corner.....
But, nothing I could say got her mind off painting.. so, we let her paint. They'll need a second coat and I doubt if the bees are going to worry if the painting it perfect.. and it made her happy to be involved with the project.....
She did "allow" me to do the edges and finish up and kept saying "hey Baby, you're doing a really nice job"... moments like this are just too precious to let slip by.... and who knows, she might become a bee keeper thanks to her ol grandma!!!!
Drying in the sun and waiting for the bees to move in. The classes I have been taking have been very fun, I have met some really nice folks, some have bees coming and others are just taking the class to learn. After the "book classes" we do classes called "open hives" where our teachers will have us come and go into their hives with them. I am looking forward to that. I have asked for "bee stuff" for my birthday. and once I have my veil and such, I am ready to get into it!!!!
It was so great to be outside without heavy coats and enjoy the sun. We still have a fair amount of snow, but a few more days like this and it will go quick. Abbie had great fun climbing around on the old Garford and asking Papa all kinds of questions....
I probably have more supers than I'm going to need this year... typically you don't get honey the first year of keeping, but just in case!!!!
And it wouldn't be fitting to let today pass by and not think about my dear little Moxie... had she still been with us, today she would have turned 16. It isn't likely that she would have lived that long, though Cole made it to 17... but I still miss her and still find that some days, I can't think of her and not still cry. ( love ya, Mox!!!!) and spring is a perfect time to catch your breath and move onto new things......