Today is the shortest day of the year... which means, the sun will begin to regain its' strength and we will be heading back to longer days. Of course, it comes in mere seconds per day, but I have to say, as cozy as the house is this time of year, getting dark by 4:00 does make the day seem very short and goes by way too fast. However, today is a busy one with two Christmas parties on one day. (and thus part of the "trouble" with the holidays... trying to cram too many wonderful things into a few short days".) But, the first party was with the folks at town hall, and much to our surprise and honor, even Livy was asked to come. I reminded her to be on her very best and she was...

Ed has really enjoyed being a selectman here in town. He's on his second term, and I think he would like to stay on for a bit. However, it's a voted spot, so after each term, who knows... but for now, he's enjoying his time and doing his very best at the "job". He has become quite close with the folks he works with.. and this time together is nice when it's social and not just all business...
Well.. mostly social .. when he and Jennifer are together, I am sure some "work related ideas" come into the conversation...
We had a nice lunch of Chinese food and then a "yankee swap".. (which does not thrilled my Ed.. he really does not like this game).. it was a fun time, and the gifts that got passed around where really fun.
After our town hall party/lunch, it was back to the farm to settle all the critters in, and then down to Kass and Nate's, for the "Brentwood Power" Christmas get together. In the past we have gone to a restaurant, which has always been nice, but sometimes it's hard to visit. So, Kass had the idea of having a party in their barn and thought we could enjoy each other's company better there.
It was quite the feed, and I was glad that I didn't fill up too much on lunch...
It was also "easier" for the kiddos... Reagan for one appreciated not having to sit still and could play about... even getting some to play his version of pool....
Everyone came, and brought their families, so it was a pretty big crowd and we certainly could enjoy visiting. It was nice not to be rushed out as well....
So, the "holidays" are in full swing... something seems to be happening each day...and it's hard to "slow down" and enjoy... but I'm trying!!!!
Having a somewhat recent snowfall.. Reagan offered to come and "shovel for you, Baby".. he has a new snow shovel that just needs to be worked. I'll always take offers of help, especially from grands... and so, they all came up to the farm for a visit, lunch and snow shoveling. I was sort of hoping he would do the stairs and walk ways, but he was more interested in "snowplowing paths around the front lawn"... why not???
"poor" little Cal is not very mobile yet, so, he got sled duty. Both the boys love to be outside, but Cal wasn't so sure that sitting this close to the ground, near the snow.. even if he is on a sled -- was the greatest idea.
We tried to convince the boys to go for a sleigh ride...
Cal thought that was a bad idea....
Reagan preferred to shovel....
these boys are so much fun, and so very different from when I raised my gals.... that is for sure!!!!
"There we go buddy... the steps!!"
Reagan said he was impressed with our snow banks and the amount of snow we have. There isn't so much on the coast, close to the ocean... we often get snow, and they get rain or ice. So, he was pretty pleased we had so much of it on the farm....
We all played outside for the better part of the morning, then everyone.. including Charlie was getting cold.. so the promise of some lunch and hot cocoa brought everyone happily inside. And with the Christmas holiday so very close... I think that I have already had the most amazing present, spending it with the grands!!!!