Ya know... it never fails, the day before we are heading out for a week's vacation... "everything" happens on the farm!!! Actually, the storm from last weekend really messed things up in the "schedule", so, you just have to go with it sometimes. First to arrive --- the garage door folks. Ed has been so excited to finally get "real" doors on his garage!!! (and after his fake one was ruined in the storm - it was none too soon). So, they're working on them...

And we had pushed everything around just to give the guys some room to work. Think my dear hubby needs to do some organizing in his space here!!! He tells me this will be as neat as pin, now that his garage doors are in place... hummmmm... let's see!!!!

But I must admit, they are pretty nice and this winter when I don't have to wipe snow off my truck... I know I will appreciate them.

Just after the garage door folks started, here came the digger again. We needed to fix those nice little "river bends" made by the hail, and get the grass seed down, before the warm weather passes us by.....

So, that was going on in the back yard..... and on top of those two projects....

Kass and Nate and grand doggies arrived. I had asked them to help us get the docks in before we left. Nate is so wonderful, he is always willing to help us out, and I just hope he knows how much we appreciate him!!!! I didn't want to tie up their whole day, so I had to pull Ed away from the others to go and get this done!!!

(Banjo loves coming to grammy's house... big yard for sticks and a swim in the lake - what could be better??? Except his other grammy, who has acres of woods to run in..... this is one lucky dog!!!!)

We had a bit of a mess left over from the hurricane.... Ed was sad to be bringing the dock up so soon. But with the way the weekends are looking for Sept, if we didn't do them now, it might be October before they could b done. We've brought them in - in October. But the weather is just too cold to be doing that, and I figure if we have someone willing to help... we need to think about them!!!

The poor paddle boat was FULL of water. After all that rain last weekend, good thing they are nearly unsinkable. Nate held this up a good 10 minutes before it got most of the water out and they could pick it up over the rocks...

And everything got tucked into place. Docks are up, digger is done with grass seed down, and the doors work great...
now we can start vacation... which is a celebration of our 30th anniversary... Tennessee here we come!!!!