Our neighbor, Dusty, who is a professional photographer called, and asked if Abbie might be up for a photo shoot. She works for all kinds of magazines, and wanted to see if she could get some photos of Mocha and Abbie for a horse magazine. I thought it would be fun, but reminded Dusty that Abbie is "three" and sometimes not easy to work with (remember my Christmas card??) She said she didn't mind trying... so out we went and over she came.
It took about a half hour, and Dusty's camera can take pictures one after another. I don't know how many photos she took exactly... I'll say "alot"... and she did get some cute photos... but this one was certainly the best!!!! Needless to say, this Grandmother is going to have to order a "good" print of this one.. and who knows... it could very well end up in some big horse magazine!!! we'll be sure to "brag" if it does!!!!
Around lunchtime, I got a call from the place where I teach my Wednesday night classes... they had decided to cancel, just because the roads were going to freeze and traveling could get bad. Suddenly I had the whole afternoon to myself.. no schedule.. so I ran out and got Duke harnessed. No way was I going to miss out on this nice new snow.
Another neighbor of ours had commented that if I ever wanted "company in the sleigh" they would be happy to join me. So, I called them and said I had the sleigh out, and they were there in a matter of minutes. We had a great ride going around the field a few times. They sleigh went so beautifully in that new soft snow. Duke hardly knew he was pulling it....
And these are my neighbors... Anne and John... Anne said it was the first sleigh ride she had ever taken. Duke and I seem to be "having a run of first timers"... and it's fun!!! So, I for one, this winter, will not complain about the snow!!!!
Tomorrow is Ed's birthday. Sadly, it's a busy day for both of us... I have to work at the post and both of us have meetings at night. I was wondering when we were going to celebrate. Well, an expected evening home, provided just the opportunity. Abbie and I got his gift wrapped and then I asked her to hide it until Papa was ready to open it. She chose her "cup drawer" as it's hiding place.
We had a dog to drop off at it's house and another to pick up... so while we were out, I ordered some Chinese food for supper... and we had a nice family dinner. Afterwards, Abbie couldn't wait to pull Papa's gift out....
Happy birthday "Rumney"... I love you!!!!!