Sunday, April 18, 2010

what month is this

While it isn't that unusual to get snow this time of year, it sure was "disappointing" to see it arriving late Friday afternoon. Especially when everyone has been saying "how early" things are, the trees are in bud, flowers and bushes are in flower, and just weeks ago we had temps in the seventies and we thought (ok so I thought) winter was on it's way out.

Camille could hardly believe her eyes when she looked out and saw the snow!!!!

So, the woodstove isn't done with it's job yet. It actually felt good to have it chugging and keeping the chill at bay.

No "lakeside sitting" for a bit....

Even the ducks don't care to be in the lake!!!!

Oh well.. spring can't be too far away.. and I guess we'll just continue to wait for it to "really" come!!!!