Monday, May 30, 2011

memorial day weeked....

Goodness, Memorial Day weekend has come and gone.. the start of summer!!! I have an "awful" feeling that the summer is going to zip by and all these plans that I have made.. won't hardly get done. But one thing for sure, I am enjoying the warmer weather and the longer days of sunshine!!

We had a nice "long weekend". I was glad to be done with my week of covering the post office, I don't have time to "work". We puttered around the house for most of the weekend, working outside and starting to get things looking good. Now that (most) of the inside house work is done, it's time to spruce up the outside.

I have seen a few hummingbirds around, and I said to Ed that I would like to get a feeder and see if I could encourage them to stick around longer. We found this cute little hanger at Tractor Supply and I hung a little bird house (that my Mom had given us) on one side and a feeder on the other. Now all we do is wait and see if the 'hummers" find it.

I tried to point out the "hummers" to Abbie, but they are so quick, that I'm not so sure she has seen them. But I tell her to watch out the window and see if the hummers are at the feeder. She is so funny, because if you ask her what a hummer does... she hums!!!!!

Another thing I have had my eye on (at Tractor's) is a Kansas-type windmill. They had several in all sizes, but I liked the biggest one. I thought it would look neat by the Electric Shed, and all spring I would check them out when we went down for grain. Well, my Ed surprised me this weekend and went and got one for us. It was the last one they had, and they were happy to get it "moving" so, we got it on sale and all put together. Which is nice, but we had to bring it home on the trailer!!!

Ed, Sadie and Abbie got it up for me, and patiently moved it here and there until I thought it was in just the right spot.

It really works too, and Ed has "threaten" to hook it up to a battery to keep our generator charged. I don't know if he is kidding or not!!!!

Kas and Nate had us down for a little cookout, and I said to Ed, let's get some of our treasures dug out of the woods and brought up to the farm. (Besides since the house is theirs now - I think they would appreciate our getting moved out completely). Anywho, we have been collecting "farm type" treasures for years. I don't know which came first, the land on which the farm is now, or the treasurers that needed a piece of land to be on. But either way.. we have both and it's time to put them all together.

This poor treasure has been out in the woods a long time. Ed can't even remember where it came from.. and it took some digging and brute strength (and a lawn tractor) to get it out....

What is it... a horse drawn sickle bar. Used in the day for haying. Despite it's rusty look, it is in "almost could use condition".. but hooking it up to the horses isn't what I have in mind... this piece is going at the end of the driveway as a lawn ornament.

On Memorial Day itself, I wanted to be sure that Ginger got to go and see the parade. It's "on the list" of things to do with a service puppy. So, we called Rick and Kelli to see if they would like to go with us.

Ginger and Mindy rode in the back of their jeep together....

And sat together watching the parade. I missed not bringing Camille with me, but I knew she would be just too excited, and we're still suppose to be in the "calm" mode with her. Nothing in the parade bothered Ginger... just what I was hoping...

Happy Memorial Day everyone and thank you to all who have served and continue to serve in our military.. keeping us all safe......

puppies and spring...

Many of you have been asking about Camille .. I am so happy to report that she is feeling much better. She still has "weakness" in her hind, which may (or may not) be permanent. Dr. Gangster (the vet that does the acupuncture) says it will really be about 12 weeks before we know for sure. The good thing is, if she does have nerve damage, there is a good chance that other nerves will develop and will help compensate what she has lost. And then again, with time she might heal completely. I have been allowing her to slowly get back into real life. I am allowing her to climb a few stairs that have good footing, she has been going back to dog classes (mostly to watch).. riding in the truck.. things like that. But, when Ginger is out, or Abbie, I do keep her crated.

The other evening, however, I had let her out for just a little and look where I found her!!!! Back on the couch, the place where she first injured herself. She hopped right up there with a look that says "see Mom, I'm fine"... the thing is, she really isn't "fine" just yet, and we need to be super careful that she doesn't re-injure herself doing silly things like this. So.... after that little episode... she is back on restriction because I now know she will do more than she should.

And look who has come for a visit!!! Say hello to George (who is very wet after playing in the tall grass one morning!!!)

And this is his sister, Beatrice (we call her "Sissy") who is also wet from the grass.

They are our current "foster" dogs for Cocker Rescue. Born on March 3rd, these little babies will soon be up for adoption.

Their Mama was bought by a very nice family via the Internet. They (the people) were told that the mama dog was a "retired breeding dog" who had been spayed and was in need of a home to be loved in. Well, not only was Mama NOT spayed.. she was expecting. And just a few weeks after arriving at her new home.. she surprised her family with 11 babies!!!!

This poor family had never raised a litter before... but, they got right to work, and with the advise of a very good vet, and info from good cocker people and the Internet.. they managed to raise nine of the babies (two died very early on). They did the tails, took the babies to the vets for shots, and did a fabulous job at raising this litter. Seven of the babies found homes right away, but little George and Beatrice weren't having much luck finding new families. So, rescue was contacted to see what "we" could do. Needless to say, it won't be hard to find the right people for these cuties.

In the meantime, we are working on social skills, crate training... working on a little food aggression issues.. and teaching them to be "good puppies' before they move on to their new homes. Puppies seem to be our lot in life here on the farm......

And spring has arrived in full force.. here are some photos just for fun...

a tale of two houses....

How do you like the new charms that Kas and I got for our Pandora bracelets? Two little houses.. celebrating new ownership. We - officially on the farm....

And ... Kas and Nate.. owners of their very own house. The house that we used to live in, the house that Kas was raised in. Back when Kas and Nate were in the Marine Corps and we were planning the house on the farm, Kas asked if there was any way that she and Nate could live in the "old" house and one day buy it from us...

Last Friday (April 20th) all the paperwork was completed, and the family house is now in the hands of Kas and Nate. A 30 year mortgage.. which sounds so "long".. but really, 30 years.. goes by way too fast!!!!

It is such a blessing to be able to keep "our" house in the family, and to think that one day another generation of the family will be raised right there. And that every once in awhile, I get to go "home" again......

But our story doesn't stop with just one house. There is another, the "beach house" as we call it. This little house is on the ocean and we rent it weekly during the summer. We have been needing to open it up and get it ready for this year's guests.. but the weather has not been the most cooperative. So, Sunday, we called in the troops and got to work, getting everything back in order. Ed couldn't wait to try Nate's new mower, and Abbie couldn't wait either. She better be careful, we'll make lawn mowing her job....

She was a big help with "Tee-tee" moving the wheel barrow around while "Tee-tee" did the work...

Course, riding in the barrow was way more fun. It took us the better part of the day, but everything was done, and just in the nick of time....

And one little girl - totally worn out from the weekend's excitement and work...

Congratulations Kas and Nate... and all our best wishes for a long and happy life in the little house in the village.....

Saturday, May 28, 2011

WANTED: Dead or Alive...

Actually just make that DEAD... I don't want "him" alive at all. I know I haven't posted in a week, I have been covering the post office while my boss is on vacation.. but tons of things have been going on and there are blogs to come... however.. this one is SAD!!!!

I am extremely sad to tell all of you that we no longer have Mr. G... and Beeker!!!!! Along with two of our laying hens, and four other guinea hens... including Little G. Some horrid creature and dare I say the fisher cat again, has come calling and has left sadness in his wake.

Who ever he is, made his entrance by digging under the barn door, going inside and taking out Beeker. (this was last Saturday morning)

Fortunately, for me, Ed does the morning feeds and he was the one that found Beeker (or what was left). I am so happy I didn't see that. I cried when he told me.. silly chicken!!! but I was truly fond of her and you all know the adventures she had with me!!!!

Mr. G and his little crew of four went missing sometime Saturday afternoon-Sunday morning. Two of the other guinea hens managed to get away (I think) and are now locked up... probably for good. Our old black chicken (Miss Chicken) and a grey settin' hen only left feathers behind.
I suppose it could be a "combo" of wild creatures and not just one that has done all the damage.. we have all kinds of creatures around here. But either way...

Any "good farmer" would say... "yup, farm life - things come and go".. but a pet owner.... well, she just cries over the loss and misses her wonderful birds!!! - that would be me......

Monday, May 16, 2011

rainy day Sunday

well.. we should be getting camps ready for rent.. raking, picking up the winter mess, cleaning.. but a week of rain is changing much of those plans...

So, Sunday, instead of getting our outside work done, we packed up and went to see the New Hampshire Wool Festival. I knew that some of the events would be outside, but most of the wares are "inside" and we figured that when it poured, we would just duck inside. Pour - it did - at times!!!!

But the barns were warm and cozy and had some wonderful things to look at - and to buy. Despite the weather, it was fairly busy, but then, not so busy so you could really look at things and have a chance to chat with the vendors who were there.

Lots of yarn goods, lots of folks at their spinning wheels and many hand made items. All sorts of ideas to make...

Like these wonderful nesting balls. Basically take the scraps from your projects, place them in a twine ball and allow the birds to take bits and pieces to make their nests.

I would have loved to buy ones of these little baskets, the workmanship was amazing.....

We talked with many folks about "fiber animals", fencing, and the like. When Abbie got bored with all the big people talking, she liked to stand at the edge and watch the rain run off the roof.

Fortunately "Grampy" was there to aid in the carrying department. And hot food and drink kept us warm enough - though certainly not "dry"

It was so much fun to see all the animals - and even some babies.... this is a Jacob sheep.

And we even "found" some Leicester Longwool sheep - which are the sheep that you see around Colonial Williamsburg, and are a "rare breed". Actually this breed of sheep is still around because of Colonial Williamsburg, they managed to save them before they became extinct. (would love to have a couple of them on the farm!!!)

Abbie liked the bunnies best of all, I think because of their small size.

We saw Sarah there (from our local yarn shop) she reported that even with the very rainy weather, it had a been a good weekend for them. And it certainly was something fun to do.

Seems we have some guests here on the farm. I don't know if the bad weather has them staying put, or if they just like the looks of the place...

but these Canadian geese have been fun to watch.....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

monthly meeting...

This past Thursday was the monthly gathering of the service puppy folks. It is just so exciting to see more and more people coming to join us. The puppies have as good a time as we do, and each month they are getting a bit bigger. This is Chloe, Linda's puppy, I can't believe how much she has changed in just the month. Ginger did not attend this time, as she has just been spayed.. but I had plenty to keep me busy.

As much as this is a night to "work" with puppies, it's also a time to socialize. We have a nice "mix" of people.. puppy raisers, therapy dog owners, and folks who have service dogs, or are waiting for their service dogs to be matched with them.

We take ideas from each other, share experiences, and talk about future plans. New friendships are certainly being made and I have high hopes that this group will be together for many years to come.

Each month I try to come up with some sort of "theme" for the evening. This month was "wheels and small animals". Our little friend, Caleb was more than happy to bring his bike along and do some riding while the puppies worked on their stays.....

Ozzie was our guest of honor - well one of them - he is a corgi that belongs to my (other) friend Linda. About a year ago, Ozzie injured his back, not unusual for this breed. He is just a young dog, and has a real zest for life, so Linda had a cart fitted for him. He is the happiest little chap, and Linda still does obedience and rally work with him. One thing for sure, being in "wheels" certainly doesn't slow Ozzie down.

Our other "guests of honor" were.... Beeker!!!!

and the guinea pigs!!!!

This is Joe - he is the dog that was in Chester's class and turns out he doesn't live too far away. With the small animals, we practiced things like stays.. and then calling the dogs away from the little animals. I have to say, everyone did quite well.. I was pleased, as was their handlers.

Service dog in training, Rangley has this "thing" about motorcycle helmets ( his people discovered). So, we brought a few of those along as well. One thing about "training"... if a "problem" comes up, it is addressed... not avoided.

We put treats in the helmets to encourage Rangley to investigate them, and then slowly put them on and walked around. He still isn't crazy about helmets, but we can continue to work on that.

Caleb and Rangley taking a little break from training....

And as usual, the night flew by and we had some tired puppies at the end.

Kathleen and I have just realized that Ginger and Leo only have three or four more meeting nights and we'll be looking at turn in time.... "hate" to think about that.....