NEADS headquarters, busy today.. we couldn't even find a parking spot. Clients working with their new dogs, puppies arriving and leaving from the puppy house. Raisers (like us) coming to work... this place was hopping.

Dave had a plan to bring us into the city and see how the puppies handle all the "stuff" there. We stared out on a street corner, giving them a chance to get used to the surroundings. Truth be told.. I needed this time almost as much as my pup... city girl? NOT me!!!! I had "forgotten" how loud a city is!!!!

Our first stop was a parking garage with a glass elevator. This thing rattled and jumped and seemed "unsafe" (it wasn't...) Now, I have this "thing" about elevators, given a choice - I will take the stairs every time. I don't know what I "like worse".. the feel of them or standing in a very small box. Either way, it's not my cup of tea... but "my" dog didn't seem to mind!!!!
After that, we walked the "streets", played outside of the hospital, around some parking lots and the like.
Then we moved into the hospital. Is Kathleen praying??? Well, prayer does help in dog training... but actually she is working on "under" and using this bench as a practice point... Chester and I need to do this same sort of work. Under is a good place to tuck a dog out of the way....

We talked with a lot of people.... one thing, three puppies training as "service dogs" draws a lot of attention. It was great fun, and always an ambassador, Kathleen handed out NEADS "booklets" and talked about being a puppy raiser.
"Oh goodie.. more elevators... and glass ones at that!!!"

Chester enjoying his ride.... (if you "look" out the side, you can see how high we are getting).....

This was a beautiful place to work. The center is a big court yard with shops, food, and vendors of all kinds. This "garden path" is actually the second floor... and there are the elevators in the back ground. We played on the stairs, talked with more people, got advise from Dave.....

and worked in the parking garage before heading back to the car. It was a fun, exhausting day... I'm not sure who was more tired... me or my dog!!!!

We stopped for lunch/supper at the Cracker Barrel (a favorite with all of us). Talked over the day's events, the things we want to work more on, and about the fun we had. Very tired dogs slept under the table while we ate....
working in the city is so different from our life here on the farm. But since I have no idea "where" Chester will "end up"... I do need to do more "city work". Fortunately we have some great small cities not too far from here and it's just a matter of going there. I still have the idea of a day in Boston one day soon.... but for now, it's time for a good night rest!!!!