Well, one look out the window this am (and with all the warnings we have had for the past few days).. it was pretty certain Mr. Groundhog wouldn't be seeing his shadow today. Another foot of new snow has been added to our already "good amount".... Mr. Groundhog may not have seen his shadow, but I fear if he stays out, he will be lost in the snow!!!! Happy early spring everyone....

And if Mr. Groundhog doesn't get lost in the snow, there is a pretty good chance that a kitty could. Good thing Mona is black, because we could at least see her!!!!

Other than the fact that we are into a new month and winter is certainly on the down hill side... there are signs of "spring" creeping up everywhere... like here on Ted's sign.... yup, they're looking for help.... which means, opening can't be too far away.....

Now, let's take a minute and talk about "Red"... he's the little foster dog that we have been keeping since October. Rick ran him thru an obedience class and brought his manners up to date for me... and we have just been looking for that perfect family....

And "that" family arrived this past weekend!!!! Red has gone to a wonderful couple who (like him) are very active. He will be the only dog - and doesn't have to share his new people with anyone!!! By the looks of this photo, I would say it was love at first sight, by both parties....

not only does Red have a new home, but a vacation home to boot (out on Cape Cod).. I think this little guy hit the jackpot!!!!

So, on behalf of Red... he sends out his thanks you to Cocker Spaniel Rescue... Rick.. and yes, us too... because he has been given that second chance and a great new life has begun.....