One thing that Dave has been encouraging the puppy raiser to do.. is swap puppies. Now, we all thought that would probably be a good idea, but actually doing it.... we all love "our" puppies and the idea of handing the off (when we have such a short time with them) was hard - for the humans (for me!!). But, being the good raisers that we are, we made the swap one evening after puppy class - for three days!!!! Bernice got Otis, Rick got Leo, Kathleen got Ginger...

and I got "T".

He was fun to have around, but Abbie was even funnier. She got up the next morning and found T in the house... her first question... "where's Ginga"... so, we tried to explain to an almost two year old, that we had T instead.

Dog trainer in "training".. Abbie loves to make Ginger do her little commands, and Ginger does listen to Abbie with sit, down, go, and touch. So, she tried it with T... but poor T doesn't really understand "baby"... he had kind of a hard time working for her.

Just the same, though, he was very good with her, and Abbie became quite fond of him. She loved the idea that she could say his name, and when she found out that he was a poodle... she called him.. "T the pooda"....
so, T the pooda, hope you had a good time with us!!!!!