April 1st at last!!! and even though there is still a bit of snow , it really is beginning to feel like spring. Happy Birthday to Deb!!!!
So, my Ed is still at the hospital and probably will be for the better part of the week. The meds are beginning to do their work and his heart is getting back to normal rhythm. Today, when I went to see him, I brought Rylie along. She was very happy to see him and it was "good service dog" practice......
Abbie came along with me, and Kas and Reagan popped in as well. Ed's starting to get bored there, so company is a good way to keep his spirits up... especially his grand kids!!!!
Rylie was bored too... and decided napping would be a good way to spend her time...
Reagan in his little hat... he's getting big and Kas has already said that this little hat won't be fitting much longer!!!! I didn't see much of him last week, being sick, I didn't want to go around him... and this week, it's fun to see him, just wish it wasn't in the hospital!!!!
When it was time to go, Rylie gave "daddy" a big hug. I miss having him at home, but so glad that things will be back in order. He now admits that he really hasn't been feeling at top peak for a bit, so hopefully this will get him back on track......
Abbie was disappointed that we came home without Papa... everyone misses him.... so "Papa --- get better soon and get back home!!!"