But suddenly, common sense steps in.... "notice there is no snow blocking the woodpile.... notice that the wood is dry thanks to the wind that blew all night..... notice that it would be very easy to get some wood in where it will be dry... remember, this is just a winter break, winter isn't done yet!!!" OK, OK... I get it...
I take a deep breath, find my gloves and begin hauling wood inside. It is much easier not trugging thru knee deep snow, and the wood is dry, I will be happy when the winds are blowing that I chose to do the "right" thing and played with wood, instead of horses... BUT ... tomorrow might be another story!!!!!

It's all about a roof now!!! The game plan is to have it up by the end of the week. The gable ends are all made and will be raised tomorrow (when a few more people will be on the scene!!) Eric and Buzz also began to work on the smaller roof that goes over the mud room and the small front porch. It will be good to get that roof on, we are having "issues" with the sheet rock downstairs, and there are several pieces that will need to be replaced, so having this building buttoned up against the weather will make a huge difference.....

Ed went to get our wagon at Dave's today!!! It looked so cute on the back of the big trailer, and Ed said he could see people pointing and smiling at it as they passed him on the highway!!!
We rolled it into the barn, so Tonka and Duke can look at it, I told them it was a gift to them... but for some reason, they were more interested in their grain!!! I am so excited to get one of them hitched to it!!! and then I can't wait to take the family for a ride!!!

A few weeks of this 50 degree weather would be a treasure, but somehow... I don't think it's going to be that way...
Christmas was wonderful....it can be spring now!!!!