I had a feeling, that once we saw Dave (head trainer) at the graduation, that "the call" for Deb would be coming in very soon.... and alas... it has.... when we next visit NEADS for our check in, it will be Debbie's turn in day. Even as I write this post, my eyes fill with tears.... and I question myself with the question I get all the time... "how do you give them up after having them for a whole year"......
When answering that question, face on with "your dog" calmly standing at the end of the leash.. it's easy.... "I know the day is coming..." "I know what these dogs mean to the people who really need them"... "She really was never my dog, she belongs to NEADS".... etc. etc. etc.... but, when it comes to saying the real goodbye.... it is NEVER easy, and I fear, this is actually getting harder each time I choose to do it.
All "my" dogs have been extremely special, and have brought me so many wonderful things... all unique to them. But Debbie and I have formed a very strong bond and the thought of her not being around the farm, caused me great heart ache..... and the only thing... a double.. because there is talk that Cappy is going in too.....
I'm told that there is already "another one waiting for me".... and that's really good.... but it's not going to do "much" for softening this blow. These two pups have been just wonderful.....
and so, the rest of our time, is going to be spent in "spoiling,playing., and simply enjoying what time we have left to be together....."
One of our "goodbye" stops has to be at Cabela's.... Debbie spent time there with Linda (as I try to have all the service puppies do) and they become quite the favorites with the folks that work there.
Lots of hugs, goodbyes, and well wishes..... and then I think they await as anxiously as I about the future reports (and the new puppy to come)..... Thanks "Cabela's" for all your love and support that you give to all our puppies!!!!
The day before we head to NEADS... I took both girls for a walk in the woods..... just time to "be dogs"... and enjoy the "country" that they have been raised in.....
I also allow "all those bad habits" (just for a bit)... go ahead, sniff everything, pick up everything and "be as naughty" as you wish
Debbie and Livy have become great friends.. course they are pretty much the same age, and "understand" each other... and so... again just for "today"... Mom allows rough play in the house!!!!
Of which, they take great advantage!!!!
Livy, like Camille, Hunter, Trevor, and Tazzy... will have another puppy to raise.... (though Camille isn't aware of this yet... I can already see her face when we walk in with the new one!!!)....but for now... it's all about Deb....

And this sweet "yellow" dog...will become someone else's "co-pilot".....
This was a "strange" Easter... everyone in the family had traveled out of town, leaving just Ed and I, and my sister Rachel and her guy Rob. So, instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, Rach and I decided to get together and to "do something for Easter". I told Rach that I would like to go somewhere different, maybe travel a little, get a change of scereny.... something!!!!! With all the winter weather, and not going anywhere, I wanted to see something "different".
So, Rach did some scouting around and found a motel that was offering an Easter Brunch. It was about an hour's drive from the farm. At first the guys couldn't see why we wanted to drive an hour for breakfast..... but they went along with it.....
And what a beautiful place she found!!!! The drive over was really nice, and even though we still don't have much "green" around, just seeing different places made it well worth it. The hotel was grand, and sits right on a lake, the views were fabulous!!!
The food was amazing too.... but I mostly enjoyed looking out these grand windows and enjoying the company of my hubby, sister and Rob.....
From what I was told, they also offer Sunday brunches here, and I told Ed that we needed to keep that in mind. And some Sunday this summer, when it doesn't seem like we have "anything to do".. we'll travel back there and have another meal with them....
My fav had to be their waffles... topped with fresh fruit. But they had everything to choose from!!!!
Spring flowers.... hope they make an appearance soon on the farm.....
After our great meal... we walked about the property.... hate to tell you, but there was still ice out on the lake......
The day was fairly warm.....you can feel that spring is really close....
and the blooms are just waiting to "happen"....
well, things on the farm never seem to stay exactly the same... and as it turns out, it's changed again. Sadie, Jessie, Abbie (and dogs) have returned to the farm to be with us for a bit. It's nice to have everyone around again, and the quiet days that I was just getting used to... are gone for now....
The days are getting longer and somewhat warmer... Abbie seems to enjoy the freedom that she can have here. And she is beginning to feel braver about driving her little four wheeler around.....
Which is nice, because we certainly have oodles of room for riding things!!!!
Each trip she goes a little further and further, and has announced that "one time, I'm going to drive all the way to the barn by myself!!!" (I don't doubt that for one second.)
We've been making field trips with Deb... though I have to admit, many of them are "old hat"... so when they get to this point, I know that it's time she move onto the next level....Abbie loves to do the field trips with me, and is even happier when I tell her she can take Deb.
Today, we hit up Tractor Supply.. I needed some "farm things" and the little chicks are in... so, fun for Abbie and a great distraction for Miss Deb... though she's really not that impressed....
Up and down the isles... practicing all the things she has been taught.....
and even getting in a few extra hugs from friendly folks.
The bees have begun to venture out. On days that arent' too windy, I noticed they are making their flights. I doubt there is much out there in the way of "food" right now... but I have a feeling they know what they are doing...
Its' still too cold to unwrap them and do a proper hive check.... there are more piles of snow that bare spots.... but, maybe in a few weeks, we can check them out. I am just thrilled that they got threw the winter... because there is no doubt, this was a "good one".
We also had a baby shower to attend this past week. My friends daughter, Marci is expecting a little one in May.
I brought Debbie along with me.... since I brought Norton to Marci's wedding, it seemed only fitting that a service puppy attend a baby shower!!! Marci was so happy to see me, and it was fun when a number of the guests had also been to the wedding and remembered Norton....
Such a fun happy time...... and it's a "girl".. so the colors were so bright and cheerful on all the gifts...
Deb, of course, was perfect, and laid quietly under the table -out of sight - each time that she needed too. She is such a good girl.....
Marci, Chris and baby Maia....... special days lay ahead....
Our other big adventure of the week was another pet therapy visit with the children. Debbie is so good with the kids, and seems to enjoy going.
She actually had been away for a few days.. spending time at Cabela's with Linda... so we met at the visit to swap back. Livy was thrilled to see her friend......
After visiting with the kids.. the doggies had sometime to visit with themselves.... we had a couple of new ones on this visit... Linda K. brought Sasha (her newest --as Matty has gone back)....
And Linda S brought Otis... who Livy thought was just awesome...
And Camille was happy just to rest. She likes being with the kids, but at almost 11... I notice that she does tire after busy visits like we had.
The puppies.. however, are always fill of fun!! and ready to go......
Sadie has been doing some work with Twinkle now that she's here. This is the pony we got from auction and the one that has been so afraid of us. We've just been giving her some time to adjust.. allowing her to get to know us on her terms, and I think it's paying off....
Abbie has sat on her a few times, but I was pretty surprised when I saw them walking down by the house with Abbie on!!!!
Slow and quiet seems to be the trick... and I love this photo.. they both look so comfortable and happy together....
Time to move ..........
Everyone is venturing further with the warmth.. the guinea hens are beginning their rounds of the farm... looking for all those "horrid" bugs.. I'm happy to see them out and about....

The "tic" guard!!!!

and shedding season.... lots of mud rolling ..... oh my, when these guys begin to loose their winter coats.........