here we are... the end of the month, and nothing really exciting to write about... it's been cold, and warm, and snowy... it's been January.....
But we do have this really neat icicle hanging at the corner of the house... I keep expecting it break off, but each day it just seems to grow a bit more and more... I wonder if it will make it all the way to the ground!!!!
So, little Cappy has seemed to settle right into the crazy house of ours. One nice thing about teaching so many dog classes right now, it's easy to fit her in. Sadie is doing a class with her pup Dunkin... so Abbie has been coming to puppy school each week... she was beyond thrilled to meet Miss Cappy....
Her exact words.... "Baby, she's just like Ry-ry!!! I asked if she would like to play with her for a little bit and she took the leash and they were off.... I've seen this photo before!!! I wonder if black labs will always play a big part in Abbie's life....
and really, doesn't she have the dearest face......
Debbie dog.... I finally caught her playing with her bucket. I have a few of these buckets kicking around the dog yard, and Debbie just has the greatest time with them.
At first Cappy wasn't so sure to see Deb hauling this bucket about... and it's makes a pretty good banging noise... but when Deb dropped it and went onto something else.. I notice that Cappy went right out to check it out..... (good girl)....
Most of these cold afternoons will find the cockers cuddled into some warm place. The afternoon sun just pours in the living room, and Cam knows how to find the "sweet spot"....
The life of my dogs... really all of my animals have it pretty good.....
And look here.. another "ufo" complete!!!! it's onto another, I certainly do have lack there of in this department.... so good bye to January, and into February... the "little month"....