Since Christmas Eve was on a Saturday this year, I had to spend my morning working at the post office. Saturdays are my usual day to work, but we're only open half the day (all the time).. so it really wasn't any big deal. Overall, it was pretty quiet at the post, everyone having done all the mailings the weeks before, but enough folks stopped in to make the time go quick.

We still had some of our snow from the other day... it's so pretty...

Our plans for Christmas Eve - going to Kass and Nate's church and then to their house (our old house) for a light dinner and the first of family get together's....

Kas and Nate's church is a large baptist church.. and they were expecting so many, that they set the evening service up in their gym. Good thing too, the place was packed (probably close to 600 people). We knew many folks there, it was old home week, and I even got to see my cousins. The service was very good, well organized and geared for families. I greatly enjoyed it, and couldn't help but think why our little church struggles so and this one is so up and going.....

After church, we headed over to Kas and Nate's... the whole ride over was pretty with Christmas lights everywhere. The old hometown was all dressed up........

Charlie had received one of his presents early... "think it's big enough Charlie, will there be enough to last threw Christmas"

We had a wonderful supper together... and then opened some gifts. Since Kas and Nate would be at Nate's family on Christmas, my parents brought their gifts down to them. My Mom gave Nate this "singing deer head" for his man cave. It was pretty funny and he was quite surprised.... oh and the gift that we gave him.... a jump out of an airplane!!!! (which will be it's own blog next summer when he does it... stay tuned!!!)

Abbie got to open some presents as well.. she will be at her Dad's on Christmas afternoon, so again, it was easier for my family to bring their gifts to her at Kass's

It's just so grand to spend Christmas in this house - our old house, and to see the family there together. I am just so grateful that Kas and Nate wanted it for themselves and kept it in the family. They are taking such good care of it, and making it over into their own..... it just makes me s happy.....