We had a great time with everyone and then made our way back home. I couldn't believe the number of cars that were off the road in different places!!! Shame on them in a way, because you could tell that they were off due to driving way too fast!!! It always takes a couple of snows to get used to winter driving, but people need to slow down and take it easy until they are "used" to it again...

Sunday morning I was up with the sun, and headed down to the barn. I knew there would be some great photo opts and I didn't want to miss them... here are a few that I got....

Then we were out for church.. I loved church, we are singing so many of the old Christmas hymns and it's just so joyous there. We know everyone now (unlike last year when we were still newbies) and it's like "home" to us.
After church, Rick was out to do another driving lesson with us. I wanted some pictures for our Christmas card, and asked Rick to shoot a couple for us. This one and another were the favorite two.. so, this one is on the blog and the other will be on the card. I am holding Tonka and Ed has Duke, gives you a good idea of how much they do look alike.

I actually had to leave Ed and Rick to the team, because there was a "workshop" at church later in the day. They had all sorts of activities, and needed help decorating the church. So it was a nice get together.

Lots of fresh greens for making wreaths. I invited Kelli to come along, as she wanted to learn how to do a wreath. She made a beautiful big wreath (which I DO NOT get a picture of !!!) and she got to meet many of my friends at church.

Lots of fresh greens for making wreaths. I invited Kelli to come along, as she wanted to learn how to do a wreath. She made a beautiful big wreath (which I DO NOT get a picture of !!!) and she got to meet many of my friends at church.

And the day ended with a nice church supper for anyone who had come to help or for anyone for that matter. So, Ed and Rick... cold and tired from horse play, came over to the church and had supper there. Such a nice day.. nice evening... with the new snow, the Christmas decorations going up... it certainly is that special time of year..