Well.. here we are... December once again. My Dad has been having some serious health issues, so truth be told, much of my time has been trying to do what I can for my Mom and Dad. I'm thinking this whole holiday season isn't going to be the "norm" and taking it one day at a time is going to be our best bet. In thinking over the past Christmas's.. I have this cool picture... that's me... I was around six years old, and the puppy is Ceaser... a St. Bernard.. who was about six months old.... he lived for 11 years, and was my buddy.. and I think I huge part of "why dogs are so important in my life".....
And... I got it done!!! Reagan's Christmas stocking!!! I've "only" been working on it for the past four months.. but I am so pleased with how it has all turned out. I have one that I am doing for Abi.. but some how think, her's won't be ready in time... though I am giving it best efforts!!!!
We still have our "Thanksgiving snow".. so perhaps we'll enjoy a white Christmas.. though being New England..
who can tell for sure....