This is NOT frost on the pumpkins... it's the "s" word!!! And though it's just a tiny little bit, it's the sign of things to come!!! I'm just not quite ready yet....but I guess "it's" not going to wait for me....

In a couple of weeks, Sadie's dear friend, Tara is coming for Thanksgiving. She and Sadie went to school together and Tara hasn't been "home" since starting college in Mississippi three years ago. Tara's family moved just after she left for college, so she hasn't even been here on school breaks and the like. She is SO hoping we have snow when she comes, I hate to disappoint her, but I am SO hoping we won't. I told her there will be plenty of "other" Maine things to do while she is here!!!!

Can you tell that the woodstove is chugging once again?? Any time we want to "find" someone, all you have to do is look near the stove!!! silly creatures, they certainly know where its comfortable....

And very good news!!! Patrick is home once again with his dear Mandi and beloved Maya... he was gone for 295 days!! I know that, because Mandi kept a daily on line blog recording all of Maya's adventures while her Daddy was away...
this is "what" Maya looked like when her Daddy left.... needless to say, he must see HUGE changes in her... but, now they will all be together for the holidays, and then moving onto another base...
God bless our service men and women!!!! and please bless their families who wait while they are gone.....
THANK YOU PATRICK!!!!!!!! Welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!