Ahhh.. yes, the "piles"... back when we dug for the foundation of the house, these piles of dirt where placed just out of the way. And there they have sat since. Ed has always planned on getting them moved with our tractor, and we sort of figured it would be a fall project.

trouble is, after "playing" one afternoon with the piles, it was pretty obvious that this was just too much work for our little tractor. These rocks alone would tax any small machine..... so, we talked with a local contractor and worked out a game plan.
Basically, he'll come when he gets the time to do some (probably evenings and some weekends) and then any of the loam that is left over, he can have . (and there will certainly be plenty of loam to go). Just having one pile moved made a huge difference and to see the front of thehouse ..not hidden by huge piles, will be a real treat.
so... that's about the news on this end.... I am beginning to think that it's really winding down now... it's getting exciting.....