My dear Kassy.... she knew that I was "sad" that they weren't able to spend Thanksgiving with us... and that no one was able to come to the farm... so, she called today and said that they were headed up. Coming to visit, play in the snow.. and enjoy some turkey sandwiches.. I, of course, was thrilled. We visited for a bit when they arrived, then bundled up and headed out to play....
Not unusual for our area, but it seems a bit early to be pulling out the sleds and playing with them.....
But Reagan is so happy with the snow.. and after just short ride on his sled, he really perfered walking threw it on his own steam.....
it's hard work... especially when it's deep snow, and you have a hundred pounds of clothes on.
Still, though, he wanted to walk up to the barn and see the "cows" (every large animal is a cow, according to Reagan).....
and following tracks makes your walk much easier.....
Ed and Nate thought it might be fun to pull the little John Deere sled out. It had to be tinkered with, but they got it running. It's a nice little machine and fun to play with around the farm.
It doesn't handle this deep wet snow very well, but it scooted along ok in the driveway. At first Reagan wasn't too thrilled with it (it's kind of loud).. but after watching Daddy drive it around...
He thought he might give it a little try... he went for a short ride, but it still really wasn't his thing....
Mona, and crawling around in the snow seems to be more his style.....
Then we all starting getting a little cold. So it was back to the house for some hot cocoa and some left over Thanksgiving turkey sandwiches...
Playing with tractors in the sunshine.... makes the day a perfect one....