Now, since we didn't visit NEADS in July, it was Debbie's first check in. I was anxious for Dave to see her, because I think she is amazing. I love working with her, and my prediction is.. she'll go the full way and make service dog for sure. She has a great working attitude and seems more that up for anything that you put her up to..... it's been a great couple of months with her....
We did the usual check in talk. Kathleen is without a puppy right now, so the Maine dogs are just Rayvan and Debbie.... and since they are fairly close in age, they are doing many of the same things. Dave is pleased with their progress....
Debbie was very good, laid quietly and listened to the conversation.....
Then she got bored and decided that a nap would be a better way to spend her time. This is just how she is... either "on and working" or "down and sleeping"... an excellent habit for a service dog to get into....
Before we headed to the city, Dave pulled the van out and thought it would be fun for the puppies to "play on the lift".... He likes to put the puppies on together, that way they get confidence from each other. I don't think Debbie needed any help from her friends... but she had a good time sitting on the lift and asking me for treats!!!!
And when she and Rayvan began to goof off... that was all the better. Puppies don't play when the are afraid... well, these two certainly weren't "afraid".....
Riding the lift... piece of cake... or rather... treat!!!!!!!
Then it was off to the city... she looks so little in this big place. As usual, it was hot, noisy and busy. I'm the one that probably doesn't care for it... Debbie... just checked out the scereny....
We made our usual lunch stop at the hospital... by now, my little girl was pretty worn out. She snored the whole time under the table......
I hated to tell her that this was next.... elevators!!! I am doing better with them, but I doubt that i will ever "love them".... fortunately this trip.. Dave thought that Debbie had done plenty and he didn't ask us to ride the elevators... just practice stepping on and off... (which by the way, has to be done quickly and orderly.. especially when other people are around...)
From there it was over to the train... which we always try to meet as one is either pulling in or out. Those trains are loud, even just sitting there.... Again, my little Debbie just checked it all out....
In fact, i think she found it rather boring.......
Last stop.. the bus station. And she still stays nice and steady... doing anything that is asked of her....
The day, as it always does on check ins - zoomed by. And a very tired little puppy came back to the farm.
Ed invited me out for dinner, but after being on the road all day... we decided to save that for another time....
Happy anniversary my love... and good job Debbie!!!!!