So, on this first day of December, I will share one of the "hand made gifts" that I have finished.. actually I made two of them. This little nutcracker ornament.. one for Abbie and one for Reagan, to go on their trees. I am trying to make one hand made ornament, each year, for each grand.... this is an old pattern and I have made many of these, but this year... for the grands!!!!
Now, after all my talk of "shop small" today does find Debbie and I... at the mall. But it's not for shopping .. well, just for one small gift.... it's mostly for a "field trip" with Deb... we have a NEADS check in coming up soon and I have been lacking on some public outings. So, we called Kass and Reagan, and they were happy to meet up with us.. and "walk the mall".... Debbie was thrilled to see her buddy....
I picked up the one little gift I was looking for (an ornament to give to Dave when we go to neads.... because he and his family are in their new home)... and then we stopped for a coffee and watched the people go by and have Debbie practice... "under"....
Reagan is getting so big and he enjoyed sitting and watching the people pass by while his mom and I had a little visit. It was a nice afternoon, and though I'm not a big fan of the "mall", it is a nice place to visit and "work a puppy"....
A little later I was down at the barn, doing chores and the like when I heard the guinea hens pitching a complete fit. From their call I knew that "something was up" and stepped out to see what all the fuss was about....
and "this" was the fuss!!! no, that's NOT a cocker spaniel....
and even though I'm not so happy at seeing such a large fox so close to my barn (and birds).. I have to say, he was quite a beauty and was as interested in my as I was in him. Fortunately, he seemed to be more on the hunt for mice than birds and I had a great time watching him in the field. He had a huge fluffy coat.. which makes me think that winter is going to be a good one.
Happy December first to one and all...