We have been doing some clearing around the barn.. Ed is hoping to bring some of his toys up to the farm and we need room for them. Seeing the big equipment is fun... especially if you're Reagan.. who is visiting today!!!
I'm sure that "Baby" is going to have a lesson in what type of machinery this is and how and what it is used for... really all I know, is that it's making short work of what would take hours for Ed and I do to by hand...
The round pen is ready too.. a nice base of "sand" is going to be perfect to work the horses in... we need to get the panels back into place and it is ready to go... just hope I find (aka take) the time to work those equines of ours
Success!!! I have FINALLY finished a Christmas stocking for Abi.... took me long enough to do it.. one of the reasons her's was so long in coming was I had her pick out the pattern that she liked... I like this one too... I think the little horse looks much like Mocha and since Abi's first Christmases were here with us on the farm, it seems right. I know she's going to be excited when she comes up and sees that it's done
Baby Logan is doing well and settling in just fine. She's a smart little girl and she's going to be easy to train... so nice to have a puppy in the house...
We begun to use the little inside stove.. the mornings now are chilly as are the evenings. Henry is pretty happy with this... he loves to sit and watch the fire and I'm sure he enjoys the warmth. So far, he's been smart enough not to try and catch the flames... I don't think he'd try to.. I'm sure the heat must warn him this isn't anything to play with....
This past weekend we did some rearranging of the living area... I wanted to get rid of the futon and just go with chairs.. our favorite furniture store was having a sale... so.. we got in big trouble up there. I think with some changing things about we have a bigger space.. and with the doggies getting older, I don't like them jumping up on the furniture. So, I will also get some nice new doggie beds and keep them comfy on the floor...
I mostly took these photos so I can remember what it looked like before we did it over.
Reagan has finally arrived... and he was very impressed with all the big things we have here on the farm.....
He had to look everything over very carefully and pretty much as I knew... he began to tell me all about it and how everything works. I just love having little boys... so very different from when we raised little girls. They really do think differently... it's fun.
He wanted to help out around the barn, so we did the chores together... he was very happy moving some hay for me....
The doggies needed a little "run"., so we took a hike around the pasture.... everyone had a good time...
Took the horses a couple of seconds to figure out "who" we were... Duke was on high alert until he realized it was me. I guess Tonka already knew, because he was too busy napping to get up and check it out...
We watched Mr. Winchell work around some more... Ed wanted the drive widened a bit by the barn.....just makes room for moving trailers and the like about.
Reagan brought Kevin up... he was pretty certain that Kevin could get some of the work done on the farm... (wish he could,, I think his bill would be much cheaper than Mr. Winchells is going to be...) Funny how he loves this tractor and that it's name is Kevin.... he brings it everywhere and even takes him to be at night...
I just love days like this... spending time with my grands is one of my greatest blessings... and to think, next year at this time.. there will be another!!!