As of today, the outside of the house will be "officially" done!!! Ed Is working there this am, but these are the pictures that I got late yesterday afternoon. The antique hinges look so nice, Ed painted them a flat black and size wise, they fit the door perfectly.

I am now on the hunt for some type of "latch" to go on the center of the door, so it really does appear that you could open it. We weren't so sure if we would need one there, but I think it would just finish the whole look off.

The "entry" porch, which leads into the mud room, only needed one more "course". The shingles that we used here, were left overs from the barn!!! We had a few boxes and when I was picking out the vinyl I thought those might go nice here. I have a "thing" about "extras" just laying about, and when we saw we could "use them up" here, it was a great idea.

It helps "break up" the two bigger part of the house, and just adds a different look. The color was so close to the house and in some way it also ties the house to the barn. (I know, what is this "thing" about matching buildings and tying things together?????)
Today, Sadie and I have pies to do for the church, and we are going to start moving back next door to the big camp... pretty much have decided that we WONT be in this house this fall... ohhhh wellll.....