We're well into fall now. The leaves have pretty much gone by and I can, once again, see the homes of my neighbors. Which is nice when the days are so short and dark, to look across the field and see another home and know that I'm not the only person in the world. I love the quiet of my farm, but there are times when I feel like I am the only person on the earth.......
I saw this pattern for this little hat and just knew that I had to have it!!! When the pattern arrived, I realized there where some stitches that I do not know how to do... thank goodness for the internet. With a bit of studying and some patience.... it came out.. looking somewhat like the fox it's suppose to be...
I tried it on Abbie, but it was a bit too small.... so decided that this one can go to Reagan and I'll do another one for Abs'... and if you make it up in gray... it's a wolf.....
Sadie came for a visit... and decided that she would get the pony out and see what she could do with her. Sadly this little pony isn't exactly what I was looking for.. she's quite timid and it's taken her a long time to settle in. I'm not even sure that I will keep her forever... but turns out, Sadie made some real progress with her...
I totally forgot that I had a pony saddle, Sadie said she just went slow and easy, and got the saddle on without too much fuss. Course Abbie wanted to help, she really is hoping that "her pony will learn to like her".....
And the three of them just "played" quietly together for the longest time.....
With a bit of help and some gentle work... Abbie actually got on her and sat for a little bit. This is huge and maybe if we continue, we can bring her around... and she can stay. BTW... I don't usually dress like this or allow a picture to be taken if I do... however.... while they were playing with the pony....
I was cleaning out the turkey pen!!!! and so by the looks of what I was dealing with... one can appreciate my "not wanting to be dressed up"..... (yuck).. but the pen is all clean and ready to be the winter home of the guinea hens!!!!
We popped down to have a visit with Reagan.... he's mobile now and Abbie had a great time with him. He can finally play with her and she was delighted.....
The foxy hat is actually alittle too big for him. But, he'll grow into it.. so this one is his for sure... and I'll definitely be making more of them... they are really fun to do...
These two played for the longest time and allowed the big people to have a nice visit together....
Looks like the days of "old".......
Whenever Abbie is here on the farm, she likes to check her email.... this morning, she decided to do it "just the way Baby does"... (note the glasses.....)
We finished getting the "girls" settled for the winter. Time to wrap the hive, which helps to keep the drafts out, and give them extra support to stay warm. We started by taping up the vent holes... all but the very top were done...
Then, using a sheet of tar paper, wrapped around the boxes, covering the seams between each box. That helps keep out the drafts..... I guess the dark color of the paper also attracts heat from the sun, but our hive is a dark color anyways.... and you don't wrap it completely, because there needs to be some air movement in the hive.
The girls will fly on warm winter days... so even though we're buttoned up, it's not like they just stay in all winter..I have to make some winter food - just in case they run out of honey (which I don't think will happen) and then, we wait for warm spring days to see if they made it threw.....