But.. when the perfect weather arrives... and the "outside" looks like this, and we were waiting for the bees, etc.... I just "hate" to leave the farm for most any reason.....
Everything in bloom.. my little garden to get ready.. I love being outside.... (on and on and on!!!)
The horses have been anxiously awaiting for us to open up the pasture. I managed to do that one evening after work... they were so happy to get out there!!! (and haven't really been back in the barn since....)
And, on a couple of the quiet afternoons.. I brought Hope in to practice some of her service dogs skills.... so that was all good...
Working at the post is a great place for the dogs to practice. For one thing, you don't see most of the people that come in.. they're just grabbing the mail and off they go. For a dog.. you hear the door open, foot steps.. the little door opens on a box.. maybe some voices.. and they're gone. That would be tempting for any dog to bark at, but not the working dogs. And then, when I have things to get done, it's "hide under the desk" and wait... (can you see her????) I will say that Miss Hope passed all these things with flying colors...
I was also getting grumpy, because I hadn't seen my family all week. Abbie is off with her Mom, and Reagan.. off with his Mom... and here I am "stuck at work". But... all was not lost!!!! As a surprise.. Kas got lunch for me one day.. and went to the farm to surprise me when i came home. However... as luck would have it.. it was the one day that I decided NOT to go home and went to run a couple of errands on my lunch break. Ed called to see where I was and said ... "you might want to get back home".. so I rushed back and found out that I nearly ruined a very special treat!!!!
Fortunately, Kass had some things to mail, so after our lunch, she and Reagan came over to the post and I got to show him where Baby works!!! (sadly no one came in so i could show him off)... but while Mommy did her thing, I took him behind the counter with me.. just so we could have a few more minutes together!!!!
You can be sure that this little package got very special handling.. but of course, we're not about to ship him anywhere!!!!
Seeing him at the post reminded me of a story.... when the girls were little.. Kass was about 3, Sadie was an infant.... Sadie was being rather cranky one day, and I said to Kass... "if this baby doesn't stop, I am sticking her in the mail and shipping her out".....
About three weeks after that I had some things to mail at the post. So, I took the girls and off we went. Sadie was in a car seat - much like the one Reagan is in - and when I got to the post, I put it up on the counter, so she wouldn't be on the floor. Seeing that car seat on the counter, Kas began to pitch a complete fit.. all she would say is .. "nooo.. nooo.. don't!!!" I was trying to mail the letters and couldn't even think of what I was doing, let alone what she was doing.. and I did my business and stormed out with the kids. Once I had Kass buckled in the car, I asked her what her problem was.. and she said.. "I thought you were going to mail the baby".. I asked her where in the world did she come up with that idea... only then to realized... I had said that a few weeks back!!!! Needless to say i felt awful for getting so mad at her,and after that.. i watch my words closely around the kids.....
who knew that I would ever be working for the post one day. But, I got threw the week.. had a very exciting weekend... and truth be told.. i am so happy to be just at home this week..... for sure!!!!