We opened the pasture completely up a few weeks back. Time for the "boys" to get as much grass as possible before the winter weather arrives. I love seeing them out, and it's saving big time on the hay bill. Abbie loves to see them so close to the house, and she often calls out to them.....
Honey (Denise's horse) is all settled in her new home as well. She likes hanging out with the big guys....
It is certainly fair time here in New England, and we were off to see another fair not far from home. Though, as far as "fairs" go... this one is more on the carnival side and less on the animal side. Really not my "type" of fair, but it sure was fun for Abbie.
She's into the rides, and is fearless when it comes to trying them. Because she likes to go.. I find myself trying rides that I haven't done in a long time....
Wasnt' too sure about the Ferris wheel.. but it does give you a good view.....
Abbie thought it was great. Now, this fair costs you a bit to get in, but all the rides are included int he price. Which worked out fine for us....
We met up with Kass and Nate... and then Katie and Craig... so Abbie had plenty of folks to do the rides with. As I said, we didn't see much in the animals... mostly did rides with Abbie

There were a few "not so traditional" animals as well. I admit, I felt bad for this giraffe, but he certainly was fun to see. I hope his whole life isn't from fair to fair....
And some piggies.....
and then more rides. I think our next fair visit is going to be "more traditional" (animals, quilts, canning...)
But who can resist that smile of joy.....
And of course, a wonderful memory....
This past weekend, we headed down to our local airport to view the model jet show. I am fascinated by the hobbies that people choose, and to say one's choice is endless is an understatement. Whether you love the world of animals, vehicles, sports or whatever, there is something out there for everyone!!!
These "little" planes and jets are quite something. And I say "little" because as you can see, there really isn't much little about them. Some are worth thousands of dollars, and I would think, you need to know what you're doing before sending one of these into the air.
Actually, my Ed has model planes, and at one time, he flew quite a bit. It's a hobby that I know he wants to take up again, (once our lives settle down a bit). We have a great place for him to fly here around the farm... just a matter of time.
Besides the planes, there were all kinds of other activities. They had set up a whole course for racing cars. From what I understand, this was a "real" race for the car folks, and some had traveled out from as far as California for this. I had hoped to show a picture of the race, but honestly these little cars were too fast for my camera!!!!
I brought Rylie along for some "work" time... course, you can see how far we got most of the time....
Kelli and Rick went along with us, they brought Moxie. Wasn't long ago when she was the size of Rylie, and now look. She's getting very used to these outings and makes a good role model for Rylie.
Back to the show... there were great food vendors... tents where you could buy almost any kind of model. Places were you could try you hand at flying... and then.. an air show. Done mostly by the models, but at one point, stunts were being done by a real plane with a model copying it's moves. Really cool.....
And then in for the landing... almost hard to tell that they aren't "real". There had been plans of a fire works show at night, but sadly the weather didn't co-operate. However, because this has worked out so well.. it's going to be a national wide, yearly event. So, I have a feeling the future shows are going to be even better.. and we'll be on the watch to go again.