So, today is the official first day of summer... and the longest day of the year... after this, the days begin to get shorter. But, we're not going to talk about that just now, it's time to get outside and enjoy the sun, the warmth and all the other things that we miss all summer long. Silver is all about taking advantage of the days and the nice green grass......
I have found another spinning teacher and today went to her house to have a lesson. Maureen is very talented and maybe (with her living so close by) I will actually learn how to do this. I have talked about learning to spin for some time and have "poked" around with it, but I really want to buckle down and lean it. Maureen lives in a beautiful old farm house and has a room just for spinning, and like any one who is serious about a hobby, she has several of the same things all about the house....
She had me try a couple of her wheels, but I really just wanted to work on the one I had. I may buy it, if I can get serious about this, so I need to practice with it. There was the most adorable little kitten who thought she could teach me to spin!!!! It would have been fun to bring this little kitty home, but I'll be getting a puppy soon, so I figure that will be enough for now.....
Any who... my spinning is actually "not that bad".. the few lessons that I have had over the years has taught me"how". And Maureen gave me good advise on how to pick some of the easier fibers to work with so that as a beginner, I won't get discouraged. Though I still have much to learn, basically all I need to do is sit and practice... easy enough.... just find the time!!!! (and weather where I want to be inside!!!)
I have also discovered that most serious spinners have their own sheep. Not that I have that in mind just yet, but they sure are neat creatures. I'd have to do some research long before deciding if I ever really want to 'get into sheep"... so many breeds who's fiber offers all sorts of different things...
Abbie was here later in the day for a sleep over and sometime with Baby, Papa and Rylie. It's official that Rylie will be turning into NEADS in (actually) a few days. So, I just wanted the two of them to have some time together.
They so enjoy their running game... it's something they have done since Rylie first arrived. I love seeing the relationship they have and I feel really sad that this will be coming to an end. I don't know if Rylie is naturally a "kid's" dog, or if Abbie "made her one"... but either way Rylie is definitely a dog who will and loves children....
A pretty full moon welcomes the new summer season, and the evening is about as perfect as you would expect.....
"Ry-ry".... I can't believe how quickly our time with her has come and gone.....
But thinking about "summer things"... last year, I didn't feel like we hardly got the beetle out at all.... (can't you tell by the layer of dust it has on it).... so, I said to Papa and Abbie, we were going to get it out and go for an ice cream ride....
The beetle ran well, that little car always goes sits all winter, and come summer, it always seems ready to roll...... our first ice cream of the season was very good...
And when you get chilly riding with the top down and a tummy full of ice cream.. it's the "beetle quilt" to the rescue. Nothing better than riding home, all bundled up and enjoying the night sky.... so all I can say for now..
"welcome summer, we're planning on having great fun with you".....