Turtle in a pot.... NOT for supper. Yesterday, to celebrate Titus anniversary with us, I asked Ed if he would help me give Titus's tank a complete clean out. I got Titus six years ago -- for my birthday!!! He's doing well and I have really enjoyed him as a pet.
Being a "red-eared slider", they're not suppose to get too big - certainly there are other types of turtles that get much bigger... but even still, Titus has grown since we got him. He's really a funny guy and I never thought that he would be a true "pet", but he really is...
His tank is 120 gallons, which we only half fill with water, and fortunately this has been a good home for him. We went threw three other tanks, before getting this one that allows him the room he needs. Taking care of turtles isn't the easy task if you do it correctly.. there's a bit to it... but I think we have it down to a science....
I figure he must be 8-9 years old, and more than likely is as big as he'll be. I read that turtles can live as long as thirty years, so I may have him for a bit longer. One of the funniest things he does is... watch TV. He has a sun pad that lines up with the TV and we often catch him on his pad, looking out of the tank at the TV. If you turn it off, he'll slides back into the water, but will come out again if the TV goes back on....
I love it when his tank is all clean. I do change the water and filter every couple of months, but it's nice to do a real clean out a couple times year. And I think he appreciates the good care....
And here's another birthday treat!!!! I got to babysit!!!! I haven't seen little Reagan in over a week, I got a cold and didn't want to be too close to him... but Kas called and asked if we were interested in watching him while she and Nate went to a birthday party. Well, you just have to know I was all over that. So, Friday night, back in our old little house with kids... doesn't this bring back memories or what???
Abbie had been with her Dad, so I told Sadie to have him drop her by with us, and we got to have both the "grands"... it was so much fun!!!!
Abbie certainly takes on the "helping" mode, to the point where you have to keep an eye on her... she loves her little cousin and I am so happy to think that they will be close threw out their lives....
Papa and Reagan... hanging out together. Kas and Nate weren't very late, and the evening zoomed by... can't wait to "sit" again....
And today, was my birthday!!! As usual, I got to celebrate with Deb (her's is Monday/April 1st). With Easter on this weekend as well, it's going to be filled with lots of family time (ya-hoo!!!)
And not just "our" kids, but friends dropped by too... Diana and Patrick.... Diana was like another daughter to us, living just next door, the girls were always together ... and Diane being a labor and delivery nurse , was there when Reagan was born. I just can't express enough of what a blessing it is to have life long friends, kids of friends, and family to celebrate the good times in our lives!!!
Mom and Dad having a nice chat with Deb....
Jesse, Nate and Sean.... all nice young men... I did get "presents" too, but actually... these are the real gifts in my life...
Happy birthday to...................ME!!!!