This is how Trevor took his morning nap yesterday... silly dog.. hard to tell which end is up... but since cockers don't have tails, and have long, long ears... if you look hard enough, you can probably figure it out!!! silly boy!!!!
What in the world are those things?????

Why graduation hats of course!!! It's hard to believe that another six week session of puppy classes has come to an end. And last night was "graduation night".....
I haven't been making the hats, so the past few classes did not get them. However, I quickly learned that the hats are a "big item" and students look forward to receiving them... guess I am "known for my hats"... so, this time, I made a big batch of them and now have plenty on hand...good thing, since there are five more graduations coming up here soon.
Among the graduating students, was my "grand-dog" Banjo... Charlie (my other grand-dog) is also a graduate..so, he came last night to support his "little" brother...
cute family photo....
And.. another graduate, from the Advance class.. was none other than Kelli and Rick's boxer pup... Gus!!!!
So, another group of dog heads into the world from puppy classes, and a new group will come in soon. Many of the puppies will be in the Advance class, so I don't have to say "good bye" to them just yet. Let's see.... six weeks... puts us into April... not to rush the time, but that sounds so very nice........