It's time to visit NEADS... and one little black dog is in need of a tub!!!! He and Livy are such great pals, and so love to play outside and get into all sorts of trouble. And even though he has a nice "short" coat, he can get dirty... and he can't see Dave like that.....
Abbie was there to help and comfort... but this boy loves the water, so having a tub wasn't anything "unusual" for him. However, I do have to wonder what it's going to be like to lift him into the tub a few months from now. He's going to be one big dog!!!!
Our day at NEADS was (as always) great. We check in at campus... and report on the puppies and what they have been up to. Poor Cappy.... she was here with me for awhile and then moved to Kathleen - who didn't have a puppy- but based on her work, and how sensitive she is... it has been decided to drop her from the program. One thing we don't think about (enough sometimes) is... does the dog want to be a service dog??? NEADS is very careful about that, and based on the signs that Cappy was sharing, we felt her answer was "no.. I don't want to do this". But no fears for her, she was almost adopted before the day was even over. Danny, so far, seems to think this idea is OK.... but like all the others, he will be carefully watched over the up coming year to be certain this is a good fit for all.
We went to our usual place in the city, actually we haven't been in the city all winter. With the weather so cold and snowy, we found plenty to do right at NEADS.. but it was sort of nice to be back. (can't believe I'm even saying that!!!!)
The day was cloudy and cool, and by the looks of the sky, we were only hoping to get some work in before the rains came.....
Danny did great, and seems pretty comfortable with about anything we "throw" at him. I will say, and I don't know why I seemed to notice it today.. but the city is so loud!!!! Maybe I am just used to the super quiet on the farm... because I don't think it was any busier than "normal"...
We went into the hospital to play on elevators, stairs and to get some lunch. Of course, the moment we arrive "everyone" knows the NEADS puppies. Right now, all our puppies are little, so they draw a lot of attention... (which they don't mind in the least!!!)
Ah, lunch... a favorite for us. They have a great food court at this hospital, and you can find all sorts of good things to eat. We just enjoy sitting and talking, sometimes about the puppies, but many times just catching up with each other's lives... which I find is a rare treat in this day and age.
And with all the puppies being so little (everyone is under six months)... it doesn't take much to wear them out. "Unders" today were a snap, and I think they were all happy to snooze while we ate and visited....
Little Sasha.... Linda's puppy.....
From the hospital we moved to the bus station and the train station. Again.. the same response... "NEADS dogs!!!" When the puppies are under six months, we pretty much let them say hi to everyone and work mostly on "social skills"... as they get older, we stop the socializing and teach them to think more about "work"... but right now, it doesn't matter so much.
The train pulled in, and while it was on the stop over, we played with getting the puppies on and off. I asked Dave to take Danny for me, because I don't like working a puppy over that space between the platform and the train. I know it sounds silly, but I just get this vision of if my puppy doesn't jump over the space, he will be sucked up under the train. And instead of "trying to deal".. it's just easier to hand my puppy over to someone else. As you can see, Danny had no problem jumping the space!!!!
He laid right down on the steps in front of Dave, placed his head on Dave's ankles, and in moments was almost snoring. I guess when you are 3 1/2 months old... trekking around the city is pretty tiring.......
While we were at the train, the sky really began to turn grey.... that rain was right on our heals, and doubtful we'll make it back to the car before it comes.....
And we didn't. But, service dogs have to be willing to work in all types of weather... so we just chalked this one up for... "experience".... Danny, however, was really ready to call it a day.....
And the moment he jumped into the jeep, he curled into a little ball. and was done!!!!! I don't think he moved a hair the whole rest of the ride home!!!! Even when we made just one quick stop at the puppy house.......
To pick up new friend... Trooper!!! This little chap is heading home with Kathleen. We tried to tell Danny there was someone "new"... but he decided to greet Trooper another time!!!!
I've lost count of how many service puppies Kathleen has raised!!!! But this makes Danny not the baby anymore!!!!
Quick potty break and we're headed for home. And before I can even blink, another month will go by and we'll be back again.