Life has been pretty much chugging along here on the farm. Some days, there doesn't seem to be much to blog about, so for those of you who haven't had much to read... sorry about that!!!!But, yesterday seemed to come up with some news.. so here we go
I went down to the barn to do chores, Annabelle was waiting for me. She has turned out to be the perfect barn cat!!! As I arrived, she greeted me at the door with loud "meows" and followed me all about, She even kept the seat warm in the "gator" while I mucked the stalls. Betty told me that over the weekend, Annabelle had a small (mouse) gift for her!!! Good girl, her "job" as barn cat is to keep them little critters out... and though she hasn't presented any gifts to me, I am happy that she has gone to work!!!!
and it seems that the guinea hens have begun their work as well. Look what I found!!!I know that they do lay and I guess their eggs are pretty good, but since I have no idea how "old" these eggs might be, I am a bit leery to try these two. Now that I know they are laying, I will keep a watch for eggs, and if I find some that are fairly fresh, I might just give them a try. They are a bit smaller than a chicken egg, but they are quite pretty looking. The trouble with the guinea's is they will lay pretty much any place, I found one egg in their stall and the other on a pile of hay in the ally way. I guess they won't (or don't) use a nesting box like a chicken might, so it is hard to know when the egg was laid. We are down to three birds, and if they keep "running away" from home, we may have less than that!!!! Several times over the past couple of weeks, they have left the farm and I have found them at the various neighbors. I don't want my birds to become pests.. and there is one road that they cross which is quite busy. In fact, one of them was almost hit last Sunday... I don't know why they must cross the road... we have 30 acres here... you would think that would be enough room for three little birds to find something to do!!!! Ed and I have talked about fencing them in, and I think we will... but, the idea of the guineas was for tick patrol and if they don't free range, then they can't get the ticks... so, I don't know what the answer will be. If they just stayed home, then everything would be OK...
What do you think of my kitchen?? Yesterday, Ed and I (along with the guys) began to plan out the kitchen. Ed needs to know where things will go so he can get the electrical wires in place, and I need to know.. just so.. I know!!!
Sadly... I am a very "visual" person, so even though the guys make lines on the floor for the cabinets and the like, I still couldn't "see it".
Then Ken cam up with the idea of building a mock up.. and you know, that really did help alot. It's a very open kitchen, which is what I was hoping, because nothing is "worse" than to have friends over, try to visit with them, and yell your conversations from the kitchen!!! We shouldn't have that"problem" in this house!!!
The day was a bit grey and rained off and on... so, the guys had the woodstove chugging to take the damp out. It did a pretty good job!!!
Nellie and Zoe certainly appreciated it!!!!!