Just as predicted.. the snow arrived first thing this am. A real winter storm, with howling winds and lots of snow. I can't even begin to say how happy I am that all the wood is under cover... my family did an amazing job getting it all done. On the coast, Kass reported that they had rain, but not here.
It was a fine dry snow, that just got into/onto everything. Nice thing, though, it will be easy to move.. bad thing.. there will be lots of snow drifts.
Truth be told, I am still feeling a bit under the weather, but better than the last two days, so, I went with Ed to do barn chores and just get a little breath of fresh air. Hey, it's January, we live in the north... so this is our winter weather!!!!
The barn was all snug when we got there.. I always feel so blessed to have such a nice "home" for our animals....
Annabelle wasn't planning on going anywhere today. She was all snug in her bed and seemed a little upset that we interrupted her nap. Silly kitty, she could join us in the house, but she likes her barn...and we make certain she has all comforts on days like this.
The wind howled across the field. The snow didn't seem too deep in the pasture because it was being blown around so much, but I noticed the "boys" didn't stray too far from the barn... they were pretty happy to stay in and munch hay.
Tonka made a few rounds -- his feet looked like snow shoes, but once breakfast was being served he was right in.
For the most part, the rest of the day was spent inside. I had some sewing projects that I was happy to putter on. Ed and Jesse went out on a few different trips to keep the drive open, fill up the wood furnace.. but all in all, we just stayed put. The dogs had a grand time playing outside. This is Rylie with two guest dogs that we had here over the holiday....
It was hard sometimes to get her in... she really had a good time running and jumping in all that snow... the cockers, however, prefer the couch and the warm fire....
We checked on the barn several time throughout the day. Those drafts don't even know it's snowing ... I love how the snow just lays on their backs, and doesn't even melt.
This is what Tonka looked like when we went to feed supper. Silly boy, he even had snow in his ears!!! Course, one thing this means for sure - all this wonderful snow - sleighing season!!!!!