So, when a couple celebrates their 27th wedding anniversary... what wonderful and exciting things might they do??? Maybe they go on a vacation of a life time... or.... have a huge party....or.... a fancy dinner in a "good" restaurant... maybe they buy nice gifts for each other... yup, that is what a "normal" couple might do....
but, when did Ed and I ever call ourselves "normal"... and here on our 27th wedding anniversary, we packed boxes!!!!! boxes, and more boxes. Funny how much "stuff" you have when you have lived in one place for such a long time!!!!
It's nice too, knowing that the house will be left in good hands, Kas and Nate will be "home" next week, and they are pretty excited about starting this part of their lives in the house. It will be fun to see what changes take place... we certainly made huge changes when we first bought it, and it's in need for some "up dates" and a new look...... it will be fun....
For the moment, the dining room looks kind of empty... but that won't be for long. It will be filled again with family meals and good times. (and I will have even a bigger dining room in the new house!!!)
I also have to admit, that it has felt surprisingly good to weed out and sort thru things. And I feel very blessed that this is something I chose to do, because sometime folks are not so "lucky"... they end up going thru things after fire or floods.....and I just can't imagine what that must be like. I am happy that we can do it "this way".....
The future looks bright and exciting, we will soon be "on the farm".... a lifelong dream.... and tomorrow... we add something else to the farm... but you will have to wait until my next blog to "find out what"......