The "trouble" with May is you never can bank on the weather. And here in the great state, it can be very different week to week.... foggy, almost cold, damp mornings, where you feel like you need the wood stove chugging.. to hot - almost August like heat. Good thing it's a "pretty" month with things coming into bloom, because otherwise, it would not be a favorite of mine...
But, Abbie has the right attitude... when life brings you rain... stomp in the puddles!!!!!
The big boys have sure been enjoying the pasture. So have I.. not only do I enjoy watching them, but we haven't brought any hay out of the loft in almost a week. It's always a good thing when you can be saving on the hay bill..........
Turkeys are doing well, and were beginning to crowd their little pen in the tack room. So, we decided it was time to get them moved. Last fall, Ed divided "Turkey Manor" into two.. (so the guinea hens would be inside).. well, the guinea hens aren't using their side of the house anymore ... so, instead of building another pen under the barn lean to... we're going to use "Turkey Manor".....
They seemed pretty happy with the new digs.... we'll keep them locked inside for a few weeks, let them get a little bigger, and then be able to use the outside pen for them. I am finally starting to feel like we're getting all of this to work easier for us.... trial and error sometimes, but we'll sort it out....and then (sadly) by the time the turkeys "won't need this space", we'll corral the guinea hens again.....
The bees seem to be doing well.... right now there isn't much to "do" with them, but I have enjoyed going out and checking on them....these past few damp and rainy days have kept them inside, so, I don't think their making fast progress.... but we'll open the hive one day soon and take a real look around....
Ponies.... our new addition has a new name - according to Abbie... "Twinkle".... she seems to be settling in well, though I have come to the conclusion that she is afraid of children. Every time she sees Abbie, if she can't run off, she stand and literally shakes. She doesn't like Abbie to go to the side of her.. and I can only imagine why. We've been putting her out with Mocha and the two of them seem to becoming good friends. I hope I can sort out this "child thing" because I got her with the idea that she would carry grandbabies... but I certainly don't want anyone getting hurt... so, at the moment her future remains "watchful". I really don't want "another mouth to feed that doesn't do anything...." we're not in any hurry.. Abbie isn't into riding just yet, so I have time, but I'm going to be hard hearted when it comes to making any decisions about her.....
On Memorial Day itself.. we went down to Mom and Dad's for a cookout. I was hoping to catch a parade or two, but with all the morning chores, and some guest doggies coming and going, that didn't work out. So, in the afternoon we just went to the cookout, and fortunately, it was a grand weather day. Bob and Kate were there.....
And little Reagan... who is fastly growing....
And as cute as a button... I might add......
Mom and Dad invited some of their neighbors, and this gentleman was so interesting to talk with. He was a pilot during WWII... for the RAF in Great Britain. Nate is a big "fan" of WWII and they had a great chat together. After the war, he continued to work as a pilot and has flown all over the world. He told me stories of time he spent in Africa... such an interesting man. I told him he should be writing a book of his adventures... and it make me appreciate that if you take the time to listen to others... you may hear some wonderful things!!!!!
Reagan has such a great life ahead of him... but for now.. his little snail is a great source of entertainment!!!!!
We will be saying goodbye to Hope at the end of the week. It will be time for her to head back to NEADS and finish up her work... Rylie will be back on the farm, but I dare say...not too much longer. Hope loved baby Reagan... and it was nice to give her the chance to be around a little baby....
so, life plugs along.. good weather, bad weather, animals.. babies.... family cookouts.... we are blessed!!!!!