"there's no place like home"... "or I'll be home for Christmas"... or... maybe Abbie just liked these "ruby red shoes" for her Christmas dress, but either way.. they are the new favorite and she sports them everywhere she can - including bed. And so, the Christmas days are here and I have been stretching them out for a long as I possibly can. Last night, we had Kelli and Rick for dinner, and a chance to be together before we all get "too busy" with our families. We had a nice dinner and a visit...

And they brought a "few" things for Abbie to open. What is it about watching a child open presents at Christmas that make it one of the most wonderful blessings int he world. Abbie is beginning to put this all together, she wasn't quite so sure "why" a tree came into the house, and talks about "Santa paying a visit"... but she doesn't really get it, just yet.

After going threw her own things, she was more than happy to help the rest of us open gifts as well.

It sort of seemed like we were in for a green Christmas this year. Snow for Halloween and for Thanksgiving sort of made it seem "unfair" that we wouldn't have it for Christmas.....

But during the night.................. and on this "day before the day before"..... it all came together, the farm had a new winter coat.

These are my friends that I work with at the post office... Meg, Dan and Cynthia. I was invited into work for a "Christmas breakfast" and a chance to have a quick visit. We are all so busy during this season, that even when we work together, you can't "visit".. so it was nice to take a few moments out and do that. It was also another nice way to begin my "day before"...

The roads looked like this as I traveled home from the post. Kas and I had plans to meet up and "do something fun" on the "day before"...