Happy Birthday to ..... me!!!! It's official, I am now 50 something!!! Last year we had the "big official" party, but this year, I am just as happy to celebrate on the quiet side. My girls (and Ed) surprised me at dog class when they came in with a cake. And I got some really nice gifts from my family, and lots of good wishes on the facebook.. what more could anyone wish for (other than spring!!!)
Abbie has now come to "that age" .. that all my kids came to. Realizing how much fun it is to play in dog crates. Kas and Sadie used to make all sort of "houses" in the crates, and Abbie is now doing the same. Before I use them for the pups, I am always checking to make sure she hasn't left some goodie behind in them....
We had a special house guest this weekend... Loyalty (aka T).. who is another NEADS puppy. His family had to make a trip and he couldn't go along... so, he came to hang out with Ginger and the rest of the crew. He and Ginger had a grand time together, though I did have to resort to penning them off in the mud room... they were getting too wild to run thru the house. It's nice that they wore each other out.. saved me alot of work!!!!
Thursday evening, plans had been made to meet with the other puppy raisers at the mall. A small group was able to come, but with predictions of a big nor'easter on the way... and a few other reasons.. Ginger and Freedom were the only puppies to arrive. It was fun, though to sit and catch up with everyone else. Ginger got to practice "under the table".....
And Abbie got to ride on the carousal (which I didn't even know was there!!!) She'll be a horseman yet. Love that smile on her face...
And then ... Friday morning... Happy April Fools... ya, some joke!!! Being that it was a wonderful snowy day, I was called in to cover the post office. (really didn't mind....) The winds howl all day, electricity blinked off and on (real pain with the computers at work).. and we got about 8 inches of heavy wet snow.
Guess ol man winter just likes to remind us... we are never really "in charge"..... Oh and for the "record" we did manage to get the guinea hens in before the storm... took some doing, but they were safe and sound in their house when the snow arrived