Today was cookie baking day... I really haven't done any baking for Christmas, with the trip and all.. and it just seemed like a good day to do this. I made my favorites... short bread cookies.
I had some help.. a beautiful little princess in her red Christmas dress (good thing, it's washable)... she loved doing the cutting part - which is fine by me, because I think that's my least favorite.
My Mom always made short bread at Christmas time. As I said, they were always a favorite of mine, and I can remember asking her why we only had them at Christmas. She said something to the effect of "they're just for Christmas".. so that's what I thought. When Ed and I were married, I got a great cookbook as a gift, and when I ever found the recipe for short bread cookies... well... I think the first couple of years, we had short bread cookies all the time... no longer "just Christmas" in my house!!!!
I'm thinking, because they take a little time to do... that is why Mom saved them just for Christmas.. and though I don't make them often... I do enjoy them... especially at Christmas time.
So, tomorrow the days begin to get longer once again.... and even though I don't want to rush Christmas, I must admit, I like days with more daylight......