7:30 at night.. a little girl should be putting on pj's NOT boots. What??? well, for one thing, tonite "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" is on, and Abbie just HAS to watch that...

but heading out the door???? What is outside that would cause us to head out with Abbie???

How about the first snow of the season!!! It's really way too early for snow, even in New England.. but since it's here....

and Abbie really doesn't remember it from last year... it's time to celebrate!!!

It took some doing to get Abbie in from playing in the snow. She loves to be outside anyways.. but to go in the dark and when it's snowing.... made it double hard. However promise of the Great Pumpkin helped (even though she didn't know about that either)

She watched most of the show, I thought it was a riot to see her sitting on her birthday bike and watching the show. And just for the record, yes, she can ride that bike and the house has become a raceway!!!!