Until...... a panic call from Teresa around 3:00 this afternoon... see this picture of Silver, well... this is the "before" and I will get an "after" the next time I go to the barn.
Silver was "horsing around" as near as we can figure, and bashed his head against something... most likely a fence post. And what Teresa found was our nice white horse with blood running down his face!!!!( If you look carefully, you can see he already has a scar... he came with this and I can only imagine what he did.... )
Needless to say, I go racing up to the barn, Teresa had him in and on the cross ties when I arrived, and was working on stopping the bleeding. Upon a careful look after some of the bleeding stopped, it was decided that we needed Dr. Mike to come and put some stitches in...... so much for the evening!!!!
Ed was on his way home from Acton and called to check in, I told him to meet me at the barn and gave him the story about Silver. He arrived about the same time that Dr. Mike did.. which was good, because we needed the extra hands!!! Silver ended up with a couple of staples and some stitches where the wound is pretty big. He will probably have a headache for a little bit, and will need some meds for the next week (great....he is awful when it comes to meds!!!!)
By the time Mike was done, and the tranquilizers were wearing off, it was too late for Ed and I to make dinner. Since this was all a surprise ... I told him we were going out, but didn't give him any details.... Ed didn't really know what he was missing out on. I quickly ordered some sandwiches from the pizza house, which we wolfed down, and we did make it over to Portsmouth just in time.
The ballet was fine, but (sadly) it wasn't the "traditional" Nutcracker. I was a little bummed, but Ed liked the dancing and the music. We did find a coffee and dessert afterwards, but the cafe was so crowded that we had to stand (Portsmouth was hopping tonite!!!) it was good, but not relaxing. And after that, we just headed home... where I am now blogging!!!!
All in all it wasn't a "bad day" for sure (well, other than our poor horse!!!.. oh and the vet bill that went with it!!!!) but, it certainly wasn't the day I had planned... which just goes to show.... things can, will and do change on a moment's notice... so, I guess you just make the best of it.....especially when you have pets!!!!!