As I look out the back and over the dog pen, seeing that the snow has pretty much hidden the fence, I tell myself that next summer, in the heat... I'll miss this. Ya right!!! It's been a "typical" Maine winter and I am very happy that February is next week. It's time to move on... onto the next season, where I will then complain about the black flies and mud...

We have come thru quite the cold snap. I don't know how to photograph "cold"... actually I don't want to stay out long enough to photograph "cold" so I guess you will just have to take my word for it, unless you live here and then you know just what I mean. I could take a picture of our dwindling wood pile (though Rick is great about keeping us supplied)...

And cold winter days, when you aren't going very far, are perfect pj days. I must confess that when Abbie has been home, she pretty much hangs out in her pj's. Note the "dog on the leash"... this is her newest game... she loves taking the leashes and clipping them on her "doggies" and walking them around the house. If it would warm up just a tad, I would take her out on a real doggie walk....

Look who has a "new project"!!! Here is Rick with service dog #2 ... Ginger!!! Rick was so great helping me with Chester, that when I asked him if he would like to help with Ginger, he was all over it. They're first class together was this past week....

I am very fortunate and get to take care of lots of doggies. Everyone is my favorite when they are here, but once in a while.. there is one that is a "favorite" favorite.. and this award goes to Ella. She is a mini wire-hair dachshund. She was in my puppy class and is currently in the Adv. class.. I fell in love with Ella the first night she came thru the door. And everything that you see in her face is true... she is grandest little dog you could ever meet.

I'm not sure "who likes who" in this picture. Darci is quite taken with Ella, and I think she is in return. Course, they get so busy playing that "potty" time seems to go out the window....

We have come thru quite the cold snap. I don't know how to photograph "cold"... actually I don't want to stay out long enough to photograph "cold" so I guess you will just have to take my word for it, unless you live here and then you know just what I mean. I could take a picture of our dwindling wood pile (though Rick is great about keeping us supplied)...
but, this picture better describes it... I don't think this cat (Darci) went more than a few inches from the stove. Maybe she changed from one side to the other, or popped out for a moment to eat, however this is where she was during the whole time.
Titus on the other hand, has his own little tropical island. You can pretty much find him hanging out on his rock. He doesn't even bother to go into the water when you walk by the tank... he knows a warm spot.

And cold winter days, when you aren't going very far, are perfect pj days. I must confess that when Abbie has been home, she pretty much hangs out in her pj's. Note the "dog on the leash"... this is her newest game... she loves taking the leashes and clipping them on her "doggies" and walking them around the house. If it would warm up just a tad, I would take her out on a real doggie walk....

Look who has a "new project"!!! Here is Rick with service dog #2 ... Ginger!!! Rick was so great helping me with Chester, that when I asked him if he would like to help with Ginger, he was all over it. They're first class together was this past week....

I am very fortunate and get to take care of lots of doggies. Everyone is my favorite when they are here, but once in a while.. there is one that is a "favorite" favorite.. and this award goes to Ella. She is a mini wire-hair dachshund. She was in my puppy class and is currently in the Adv. class.. I fell in love with Ella the first night she came thru the door. And everything that you see in her face is true... she is grandest little dog you could ever meet.

I'm not sure "who likes who" in this picture. Darci is quite taken with Ella, and I think she is in return. Course, they get so busy playing that "potty" time seems to go out the window....