After we played a few songs, the children of the church told the Christmas story. They did the little play of the "animals in the manager"... The choir sang the song and the kids played it out. It was simply wonderful!!! And you could tell that the children had a great time dong it... I can't wait for Abbie to be old enough to do things like this!!!!

Back at home, it was brunch time. Abbie got to open a present from Auntie Kas... an ornament for the tree.... another to add to her collection...

Then Ed began to cook breakfast. We had farm fresh eggs...a great egg casserole that Kelli brought, fresh bacon and sausage from "our" piggie... coffee, sweet rolls and great conversation and company. Nothing is better than a house filled with family and friends, and I enjoyed every single moment of it. I have to say, I am just thrilled at the "layout" of the house... you can "work" in the kitchen and still visit with everyone,it was so much fun.

Course in this house, "guests" always means four footed as well. Mary and Ed joined us and brought Banjo's sisters for a run on the farm. I think the four footed had as much fun and the humans!!!

Folks went down to visit with the horses, and stayed and chatted for a long time. This "is" Christmas to me.

Ginger was happy when Kathleen and Bob arrived and brought brother Leo with them. The puppies got to have a romp out in the pen!!!

In the evening, we found out that a plane was coming in with a group of homeward bound troops. It's what is called a "Pease Greeters". Kas and Nate often attend them and asked if we wanted to join. I have been wanting to go and do some of the greetings for a while, and this was a perfect time to go. So, we packed up Cam and Ginger (well behaved dogs are welcomed) and down we went.

Not only was it great fun, but a wonderful training opportunity for Ginger. Talk about a big crowd with lots going on!!! She handled it all in stride and it was "icing on the cake" when she got special attention from one of the soldiers.

There was huge crowd there to greet the troops. The crowd always varies depending on the time that the planes are coming or going....but there is always someone there to greet the troops. Pease is a "rest" stop for re-fueling and it gives the soldiers a chance to step back onto US soil, call home, and just have a little break before they continue on.

This being an "in coming flight" meant that these men and women will be home for Christmas. Course, we have to be mindful of the folks that will soon be heading out, or will be away for Christmas, but this was a real celebration... and what a great way to end Christmas Sunday...
busy, busy day.... wished it could have lasted longer!!!!