And here we are again... our check in at NEADS. I know, I'm always saying "didn't I just blog about this??" and here is another story. There is a chance that this will be our last official check in with Leo and Ginger.. Dave is in the process of working out where they will go next and the date. But either way, we won't have too many more city check in's with them :(
The main focus this trip was the train station. It turned out to be a great place to work, as it had so much to offer. Slippery floors, stairs that were "open", elevators... noise, people, the list went on and on. By now, the puppies are pretty well seasoned, and it seemed no matter what popped up around us, no one was bothered in the least. This is a good group we have going, and I expect that we'll have many success stories from them all.
As we were working along the platform, a train pulled in. People hurried to get off the train, rushing past us, pulling luggage and other things. The puppies seems sort of sad that no one really took the time to notice them. Dave saw that the train had a little lay over, so he asked if we might have the time to walk on and off the train a few times with the dogs. No troubles there. Actually I had the trouble, as there was a bit of a space between the train and the platform that you had to step over. (I was the only one that seem to see it)... but, once I managed to conquer that, it was fine --- Ginger didn't see what the fuss was about.

We waited until the train pulled away and then packed up... went back to NEADS for some supplies and a last minute chat with Dave, and it was homeward bound. Another fun day in the city (yes I said fun).. think I'm getting used to it...